"Oh..do you want something to change into?" Pony noticed my outfit, then opened his dresser to find a plain shirt and sweats.

"Yeah, thanks" I smiled as I picked up the clothes from Ponyboy's outstretched hands.

"I'll let you get changed" Pony stated awkwardly before leaving the room, and quietly shutting the door. I quickly slipped on the oversized clothes. They were quite comfy, and they smelled like Ponyboy.

I opened the door again once I finished changing. Ponyboy was leaning against the wall next to the door frame. He turned in my direction at the sound of the door creaking. He looked down at me, since he was a lot taller than me. I wasn't that short, but he was pretty tall.

"I'm gonna go brush my teeth. I think we have a spare toothbrush if you want" he offered. I nodded.

"Okay" I replied in the same quiet tone as Ponyboy. We didn't want to wake up his brothers, especially Darry.

We walked silently to the bathroom, passing a sleeping Sodapop on the way. After brushing our teeth, we passed by Soda once more then reached the bedroom again.

"Do you have a side of the bed you prefer?" Ponyboy asked awkwardly.

"No, I don't really have a preference" I grin sheepishly. I have to admit, I was nervous. I'd never stayed over at a boy's house before.

We both got situated, picking a side and settling in under the warm blanket. It was extremely awkward. I mean, we literally just met a few hours ago.

Our backs were facing each other, separated by the large amount of space between us. I heard Ponyboy shift around, positioning himself to face towards me.

"Y/n?" he spoke softly, a trace of nervousness in his voice. I flipped over to face him.


"I had a lot of fun getting to know you today" he whispered contently. I smiled at his comment.

"So did I. We'll have to hang out more often" I proposed. Ponyboy responded with a wide grin.

"Goodnight, Y/n" he looked into my eyes. I sighed happily then flipped my body back in its original position, away from him.

"Goodnight, Ponyboy"

Saturday March 13, 1965
Tulsa, OK

Y/n pov

My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the bright light peeking through the window. I sat up and faced Ponyboy, who was asleep. He looked really cute, and peaceful, so I decided against waking him up.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, standing up. Every step I took caused the floorboards to creak. The sound rung through the quiet household. I quickly walked to the bathroom, bringing my clothes from last night to change back into.

The door was left a centimetre open, and I opened it slowly before entering. I was shocked when I saw Sodapop on the other side.

Luckily, he was just combing his hair. His head whipped in my direction at the sound of the opening door.

"S-sorry I didn't think anyone was awake yet" I stuttered in a quiet tone. Sodapop smirked.

"That's okay. I'm done in here if you need to use the bathroom, I was just about to wake you guys up actually" Soda assured me, setting the comb back onto the counter. I nodded. I walked past him into the now empty bathroom.

"When you're ready to go I'll be waiting out here!" Soda announced from the living room.


Him And I / Ponyboy CurtisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora