i thought i wasn't gonna get tagged again wow

29 1 15

i was tagged by AVeryAwkwardWeirdo haha thanks bc i can update this ay

aight so here's the pic/screenshot whatever

aight so here's the pic/screenshot whatever

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1. yeah,, smh
2. uh honestly idk but sometimes it seems like he does but then he doesn't, at least we talk irl and over text tho
3. haha don't have one to be embarrassed about
4. single ofc
5. someone that doesn't have Wattpad and don't want to disclose the name of either
6. well i don't have a guy "best friend" but ig you could say the guy i like is my closest guy friend
7. oh man that's kinda hard but Viktuuri is the shit tbh
8. uh,,, the dude i like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
9. No More Dream by BTS bc im turning to kpop but am still miraculously holding onto my emo phase bc tøp is still on hiatus ahhh
10. 51%
11. tryna keep it aesthetic 👌

 tryna keep it aesthetic 👌

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12. eh just for fanfic
13. 8/8
14. sorry if you're tagged bc i have no friends irl to tag so i'm tagging ppl i follow (also i don't even have enough ppl to tag 20 oops)
- Owo_Ok_Then
- RandomHamiltalian
- SophisticatedRaptor
- Spicey_MemeZ
- aphvictornikiforov
- JeffTheKillerDe
- ChimeriaBILL
- hxndclap
- craftymind406
- Jesus-_
- _bougainvillea
- xXOtakupuppyXx
- gay_trashlord

hey i was actually taggedWhere stories live. Discover now