“You’re a cop. You all believe that none of y’all can do any wrong,” she snapped.

Leah remained calmed as she watched Machayla closely. “You’re very judgmental, aren’t you?” 

She shrugged. “Maybe I am.”

The agent was beginning feel apprehensive as the wheels in her head started to turn. “Why do you hate cops?”

“Because the lot of you all are liars,” was her short and simple reply.

“Explain,” Agent Leah pushed. “If you don’t stop speaking in riddles, we’ll be here till one in the morning.”

“You said that you had time.”

“Not that much. I still have to locate your new friend, Jason. I have some questions for him.”

“He didn’t do anything!”

Agent Hassan cocked a brow at her outburst and a small smile threatened to show itself on her lips as realization dawn on her. We have a regular, old fashion love triangle on our hands.

“I didn’t say he did. But back to why you think all cops are liars? Did you have a run in with one?”

Machayla looked around the close to empty room that only consisted of a wooden table and two matching chairs and said nothing for a while. Then she looked straight and her gaze positioned itself on Agent Hassan. With her eyes filled with nothing but rage, she bit out the name agent Leah’s been suspicious of for a while. “Lieutenant Aiden Parks.”

                “You killed him.” The phrase was more of a sure statement then an inquiring question.

Mason hesitated a while before answering with a nod. “I did. You said-”

His hand went up and Mason immediately stop speaking. “I know what I said.” He got up and rounded the desk, his steps slow like a prowling lion, ready to jump on its helpless prey. “And what I said and what you did, are two different things.” He shook his head very slowly from side to side, every movement punctuated. “You’ve disappointed me once again, Scott. You’ve lost sight of the bigger picture. This isn’t about you; none of it is.”

Mason straightened in his seat and looked up into cold blue eyes. Those same eyes he’d never seen flinch when putting a bullet in some unfortunate guy’s heart. Those same eyes that belonged to a cold blooded murderer.

“That was the fastest way I could get them to come to me instead of wasting my time hunting them down.”

“It’s also the fastest way for you to get caught. That bitch of a FBI agent has you exactly where she wanted you. I warned you. Your time is up,” he sneered. A telltale sign that he was losing his patience with Mason.

The cold muzzle of a 9 millimeter against the side of his head caused Mason to freeze as the air that was suddenly lodged in his throat threatened to suffocate him.

No, he couldn’t die now. Not yet. Not until he had Machayla back in his grasp and he’d killed that son of a bitch, Jason, for throwing off his plans. He’d kill him just like he killed his friend. Except where Jason is concerned, he’ll suffer a miserable and bloody death if he had anything to do with it.

“I know that I messed up but give me a chance to prove to you that I can do this. I’ve been playing by the rules for almost two years now. Who else you know would be this persistent and loyal? You may not need me but I’m one of the best at what I do.”

He cocked the gun and pressed it against the side of Mason’s face with a bit more force. “What can you possibly do to make sure that I get my money?”

Mahogany Desiresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें