adrenaline psa

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(my phone wanted to say adrenaline kangaroos???)


adrenaline PSA for writers

adrenaline does not make you a better fighter

does not

shocking, I know

a lot of fanfics lately have been potraying adrenaline as a way to make the fighter faster, stronger, better, etc.


adrenaline is a major influencer on the fight or flight response to danger, leaning heavily on the flight
adrenaline makes your fighting messy, and sometimes can cause you to go into shock, and unable to move until your brain says "we can go this way and get out"

adrenaline works against you in a fight, trying to get you to just run, get out of the situation. it will tense your muscle to get them ready to run, which can sometimes cause shock (see above)

not good in a fight.

so, when writing a fight scene, please avoid somebody somebody getting an adrenaline rush and being like "yaaaas" and fighting better

it makes you jumpy, can sometimes cause shock, and makes you hyper aware of everything (this part I speak from experience from)

after effects are fidgeting and anxiety

but yeah

adrenaline ≠ better fights

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