Chapter one:suspension

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Authors POV

Caliana stood in front of her mum mumbling words that didn't make sense. Her mom sighed and looked at her giving her  a disapproving look.

Calianas POV

Mom just stared at me I hated it when she does that thinking of the suitable punishment. Think
fast Callie come o
"Callie, mom said breaking the silence."why did you do it? Mom asked looking directly into my eyes

"Mom i am so sorry" I pleaded I couldn't lie she always knew when I lied.

"Well, I am very upset with you young lady other teenagers don't get into these kind of trouble once a month Callie i expected more from you afterst suspension. What kind of example are you portraying to Miley? She asked yelling now

She became silent for half a second before sighing and walked away.

"Your punishment is you are grounded for one month.only Oliver and Lily can come over.Your phone will be ceased every day after 9pm. That's all"

She walked up the stairs and went to her room it's being hard for mom since dad left and Violets death. She was killed by her real dad and when dad found out mom was cheating he left her, he left all of us.

I walked to my room threw my bag on the floor and jumped on my bed with my snickers on. I wanted to text Lily, her parents never punished her ever.

I texted her but she didn't reply called her but nothing I sighed and looked at the clock,Miley would be home soon and my long boring suspension would soon begin aah I screamed in frustration.

A/N: I hope it wasn't that bad I apologize for lack of punctuation marks and typos. Please like and share and comment too sorry but the next chapter would be updated late sorry thanks for reading😘😘

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