uh oh

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kate's pov

"Kate, would you like a chinese take ou----oh my god whats happening HERE????"

emaline almost fell on the floor when my dad showed up in my room. i saw my dad's face amd he was really shookttttt!

"he--hey there mr. messner" emaline manage to smile awkwardly. idk what to say, i though i was ready to come out to my dad after the movie earlier, but seeing his reaction made me think twice. i looked at emaline and i think she's waiting for me to explain but i was lost.

"we were just making ou---"

"we were just practicing a scene for the next movie that we're gonna about to film." i cut emaline before she even finish her sentence. i thought i could do this. i like emaline so much but, i think im not yet ready...

"geez, girls next time at least inform me. anyways, emaline r u gonna stay tonight? i'm going out, who wants chinese take out???" my dad looked at us with a big smile waiting for our reply. i cant move and i cant even look at emalinr, i feel like i let her down.

"thats really nice, mr. m but i i just realized i got loads of things to do at home. actually i'll go ahead now. good night guys." i watched emaline walked out of my room. i just watched. nice, kate you just ruined the last good thing you have in your life.

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