“You’re really escaping today then.” Luke said once we were close enough.

“I was one day away from pulling a Shawshank, dude.” I said sighing dramatically earning an eye roll from Dave.

“Don’t give him any ideas.” MJ said scowling slightly at me.

“Blame the film, not me.” I said holding my hands up in surrender.

Luke laughed and sighed.

“Ah, I’ll miss you breaking out of your ward to come and stand over my bed to scare me at night.”

Haha! That was a fun night. He thought I was some creepy hospital ghost and screamed so loud the nurses almost broke the door down to get into his room.

I was pretty much tied to the bed after that.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I promised squeezing his shoulder as we all passed.

“Yeah, we all will.” Lily said smiling her bright smile.

“Then see you later.” He said waving us off as we finally left the hospital.

It was bright outside. You can almost forget that when you have been shut in for so long.

I squinted in the sunlight as I tried to look around for Tim.


I turned to the right just in time to see Tim bounding up to us, a big flushed smile on his stupid face.

“Timothy!” I cried back laughing slightly at his over excitement.

“God it’s good to see you actually alive.” He said once he was in front of us.

“And I wasn’t the last time you came to visit?” I asked quirking an eyebrow.

He came to visit a few times. The first time he was in an absolute state, believing that it was his fault I was in that mess. That if he had listened to me when I said something was wrong with Dave then this all could have been prevented.

I told him to stop being a retard and to bring cake the next time he came to visit me.

“No, you were all grey looking and unable to form a proper sentence from the morphine being pumped into your system.”

Oh yeah, totally forgot about that time. I had been trying to break free of the hospital and fell down some stairs tearing all of my stitches. They gave me so much morphine that night I was sure the moon was in my room and was asking what the price of cheese was.

“Ah if only they had that stuff on tap...” I laughed and elbowed him playfully in the side.

“No.” All three of them said together earning another laugh from me.

“Right, are we going? The guys are probably wrecking the house by now and although I may not look it but I just came out of a hospital and I’m still in a little pain here.”

Every now and then I would get a lance of pain going through my stomach and my broken wrist still wasn’t fixed yet, the cast it was completely covered graffiti with random shit the guys thought was funny at the time.

Though reflecting on it, writing: “This is what happens when you tip her too high,” may have been a little over kill.

“Yeah, Noah is probably flipping his lid. And Jaden will be close to driving over here, I’m surprised he actually let Tim drive you home.” Lily said smirking that smug smirk she always did when she talked about Jaden and I in the same sentence.

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