"Nice flowers." Sadie said as she followed Hermione back to her office. "They're from Draco right?"

Hermione looked around at the dozen bouquets from Draco she'd gotten last week. "Yes." She said sharply.

"He didn't buy me flowers, don't worry. He always had me help him find some for his Mum though." Sadie assured, rather peaceably.

"Oh." Hermione said as she sat down at her desk and gestured for Sadie to sit in the one across from her desk. "So um did you have something to tell me?" Hermione asked cautiously.

"Yes." Sadie said in a sultry voice, one that matched her appearance.

Hermione waited for the model to say something else. It was only polite. Then she could kick out the model without feeling like a total witch.

"Before you kick me out, please hear me out. I need to talk to you. All wands down." She said as she crossed her long legs.

Hermione pursed her lips. "Go on."

Sadie took a deep breath. "Look I found out Ron cheated on me with some hideous bint named after a flower."

"Lavender?" Hermione guessed, it was the first name that came up.

"You know her?" Sadie looked up surprised.

Hermione blinked. She was right? "Yes, I went to school with her."

"Was she as frazzled looking then as she is now?"

Hermione couldn't help but laugh.

"My god. I certainly mean no offense but him cheating on me with you, with how you were before now... isn't fine but understandable." Sadie said as passively as she could.

Hermione wasn't sure to be offended or not.

"But him cheating on me with her, Laurel."

"Lavender." Hermione said out of habit, used to correcting her two best friends.

" Yes Lavener. Well what the hell is wrong with him?" Sadie finished as she looked up at Hermione.

Hermione should've been offended and angry but she wasn't. She found that she really didn't care which meant that she was finally over Ron for good. If anything, she couldn't help but agree with the gorgeous model. Her when she was engaged to Ron was a woman that hadn't changed from when she was 17. In the past few weeks, she'd grown into a mature woman confident in herself. She even felt beautiful which was saying a lot, she'd always known she was smart but even then unless she was mothering or threatening them, people seemed to not take her seriously when she needed them to. Now though, she had the confidence to say no and not let people walk over her, even those she cared more for than the world.

"And for why I'm here talking to you. You're a remarkable female Hermione Granger. You're the best competition I've ever had. And that is saying a lot. If I was into the same sex, let's just say that I would definitely try to give Draco a run for his money." She laughed.

Hermione couldn't help but blush. It was utterly weird that she was having this conversation with the woman that her ex-fiancé had cheated on her with. "I really don't know what to say." Hermione admitted.

"Well, I have plenty to say." Sadie said shaking her head a little, getting her loose strands of hair out of her face. "First I want to tell you that I broke up with Ron."

Hermione pretty much figured that much out.

"Second, that stupid article. About me being pregnant."

Hermione looked up sharply. This she wanted to hear.

"I'm not pregnant. I'm a freaking model in my prime. I would never let myself get pregnant. So I'm sorry if that's caused any trouble between you and Draco." Sadie initally rolled her eyes at the outrageous article.

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