History is Made at Night

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I glanced at Jae-Ha, who was staring at Kija in mild awe before looking away, a tiny blush on his face. "Do what you want."

Eh? Another Tsundere perhaps? "But shouldn't you be worrying about that kid too? That cute kid that talked a lot. The one you called Yoon. He doesn't look strong either. I think he's in danger too." Jae-Ha asked.

Hm? Hak, Kija, Shin-Ah, and I exchanged looks before smiling. "He'll be fine." Hak said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Yes. He may be young, but he is intelligent and a hard worker. Sometimes, I even find myself actually looking up to him." Kija informed Jae-Ha.

"Yoon is the most capable person out of all of us, something like this is in his range." I shrugged, placing a hand on my hip. Shin-Ah nodded, agreeing with us.

Jae-Ha smiled lightly at us. I'm deeply worried, but I must believe in them.

"Shin-Ah!" Gi-Gan called. Hm? Is it time yet? Shin-Ah turned in the direction of the port. "The ships at the port . . . have started to move."

I grabbed my spear from my back and unhooked it. It's about time. Everyone else grabbed their weapons of choice.

"Alright you brats. Let's bring this to an end right now." Gi-Gan announced. It's about to begin.

We sailed off, headed towards the enemy. I tightened my spear tightly. "Ah, it goes without saying we don't want to kill anyone." Gi-Gan said, walking over to our little group as the rest is preparing for battle.

"Huh? Why the hell not?" I asked her. To this, Hak stared at me intensely. "Because I don't want any deaths. For those brats to kill is something I trained them not to do. As long as you ride with us there won't be any killing."

I frowned at that and shook my head. "I am not the same as your crew. But since we have a pact I'll obey." I grumbled.

She nodded in approval and everyone got into position.

But Hak kept on staring at me. I frowned again. "What is it?" I asked. He merely shook his head. "No, it's nothing."

We waited. As soon as we neared the closest ship a ladder was dropped, connecting to the other, and we attacked.

Gripping my spear I twirled it, smacking it into two men and turned, striking another down.

But not enough to kill. Kija was shouting for Kum-Ji as he fought off his assailants. "He's sure fired up." I noted, slamming the end of my pole into the gut of another man,

"Don't get all riled up and get dizzy from anemia, White Snake." Hak said, taking down his foes. "I am not White Snake!" He shouted, taking it out on another.

I stabbed the ground with my blade and jumped up, slamming my foot into a face and swung around, kicking another. Dislodging my blade I moved quickly, taking down the next.

"Any word on Yona?" I called, taking down two. "I don't . . . see her yet." Shin-Ah responded.

I slammed the pole into a mans side, hearing a crunch of his ribs, and he fell. "Go easy on them, or else that old lady's gonna throw a fit." Hak said to Shin-Ah.

I rolled my eyes. I don't see why she would. It's ridiculous. We're wasting energy to ensure their survival. I spun my spear, knocking down some more men.

"Captain's going to kill you if she finds out you called her an old lady Hak." Jae-Ha warned.

I rolled my eyes, slashing a man. "An old lady is an old lady. A pervert's a pervert. We just call it how it is." I stated, jumping back from a sword.

The Inferno Tornado (Akatsuki no Yona Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz