Chapter 3: Another Kingdom!

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Set Sail! Set Sail!
Says the Princess.

Atom shouted.
"Royal Majesty,A Princess never shouts like a pirate."

Genevieve said.
"Princess are free to do anything"
By the constitution of the Royals"

Atom continued.
"Free to do anything at the CASTLE."

Genevieve said.
"Are you a Royal blood? You seem to be."

Atom said nervously.
"No,I'm not a Family of A Royal."

Atom's uncle is actually Royal,and his cousin is Tyler.

He wants to keep it a secret from her.

Genevieve asked.
"Are you sure?"

"Yea I'm sure"
Atom grouched.

Princess shouted!
"I see it,I see it!

Atom asked.
"What it?"

"The kingdom where Tyler lives! I'm really near to my happily ever after!"

Atom puts down his sad face.

Princess went down the boat happily.
As she looks for his Prince.
She entered the castle.
Saw the King and gladly asked.
"My Lovely King,and Queen where is Tyler?"

King said.
"I'm sorry,Genevieve he left 2 hours ago,going to your kingdom."

Queen said.
"Oh,Atom your here! and can you tell to princess Genevieve that your cousin is about to go to their kingdom?"

Genevieve replied.
"Queen Isle,you know Atom?"

The Queen replied smoothly.
"Yes,his my nephew,his royal blooded"

Genevieve turned to Atom as she speak.
"Atom?,Your Royal blooded?"

Atom said.

Genevieve replied.
"Tyler is your cousin?!?,How come you didn't even tell me?,Well if your thinking about to explain no need your explain was perfect."

Princess Genevieve left.
As Atom is about to chase her.
But when the princess is on the boat already,Atom ran out of hope.

Waiting for Chapter 4

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