The virus returns (story 2,part 1)

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It had been a year since the incident. The Poth couples were happily enjoying their time together. When suddenly the guys dissapeard randomly. The girls were all worried and then one day out of the blue (pun intended...sorry) they woke up somewhere they have never seen before. They were all confused.
"Wha? Guys?" Fell Goth asked as she recognized the other girls. "Fell Goth?" Swapfell Pallete asked.
"What's going on?....Guys?!" Classic Goth asked. "Guys! It's great to see you all again!" Swap Pallete said enthusiastically,her stary blue eyes shone. "But why are we all here?" Fell Goth asked. "I brought you here." A voice said. The girls all looked toward the voice. "Camin?" Fell Goth asked. "Yeah it's me." Camin said. "Well what brings you here? Is everything ok?" Classic Goth asked. "I came back to warn you guys.....the virus is back."
"WHAT?! HOW?!" Swapfell Pallete yelled. "I don't know but it turns out we should have broken the pasifist rules and killed the virus." Camin said. "Oh dear here we go again!" Fell Goth said. "Well it's not just you guys this time." Camin said. "What do you mean?" Classic Goth asked. "The virus has also infected two other Palletes,from Horortale and Outertale." Camin said. "Outertale?" Swapfell Pallete said. "H-H-Ho-Horror-tale?!" Swap Pallete stuttered.
"Correct. I don't know how the virus infected them but we need to save the Outertale and Horrortale Goths before the virus gets to them. Camin explained. "Ok we need to split up. I'll go to Horrortale and someone go with Swap to Outertale." Fell Goth said. "I CALL OUTERTALE!!!" Classic Goth said. Camin then started glitching out. "Oh dear guys I gotta go. But remember save the other two goths and be careful." Camin said.
"Ok thanks Camin." Fell Goth said.
"No prob." Camin said as she left.
The girls then parted ways.
*In Horrortale*
F! Goth and SF! Pallete were walking through the forest. "Woah it's really creepy here." SF! Pallete said. "Yeah I wonder what the Goth here is like" F! Goth said. F! Goth then had an idea.
"Hey wanna have an insult competition? Swap and Classic aren't here." F! Goth asked. "Sure sounds fun." SF! Pallete said. Meanwhile as the girls walked through the forest F! Pallete and SF! Goth were meeting up with horrortale Pallete. "So are you in?" F! Pallete asked Horror Pallete. "Sure I can finally win the heart of my Gothy." Horror Pallete said. "Great! With you on our team we can surely get our girls back." SF! Goth said.  The boys then were caught off guard by shouting. They looked over to see the girls shouting insults at each other.
"Ha! Is that all you got? You insult like a child!" F! Goth said. "Oh yeah well yo-" SF! Pallete stopped when she noticed the boys. Fear paralyzed her body. "F-f-fell..." She struggled to speak. "Woah Swapfell you ok?" F! Goth asked. "T-th-the THE BOYS!!" SF! Pallete screamed. "What in Asgore are you talking abo-" F! Goth turned and saw what she meant. "RUN!" F! Goth yelled as they ran into the forest. The boys chased after them. After a while the girls had lost them so they stopped to catch their breath. "That was too close for comfort." SF! Pallete said. "You think?" F! Goth asked. The girls noticed something in the distance staring at was girl. She wore a black long sleeve shirt with a big white X on it,red shorts over a pair of black leggings with red boots and a red scarf. She wore a black cape like cloak similar to SF! Pallete's with the hood over her head. They couldn't make out her face but they saw her glowing red eyes,like F! Goth's. "Could that be-" F! Goth started but was cut off by the girl running towards them and tackling SF! Pallete. "Who are you?! Are you one of them?! She yelled while holding a syphe above SF! Pallete. "AHH! FELL GET HER OFF OF ME!!" SF! Pallete cried. F! Goth summoned her syphe and hit the girl off SF! Pallete. "Hey not cool." She said helping SF! Pallete up. F! Goth grabbed the girl and pulled her hood down. They could easily be mistaken for twins. "Wha? F! Goth said upon noticing how much they looked alike. "Sorry....things have just been different ever since.....that thing infected everyone!" The girl said. "Who are you?" F! Goth asked. "My names Goth." The girl said.
"Oh well that explains alot. Anyway I'm also Goth but I'm Underfell Goth." F! Goth said. "I'm Swapfell Pallete..."SF! Pallete mumbled nervously. Horror Goth studied their faces. "Oh Fell characters. Nice!" She said. They then went to Outertale.
"So there are more of us?" Horror! Goth asked. "Yes. Three more to be exact. Classic Goth,Outer Goth,and Swap Pallete." F! Goth said. "Oh that explains why we're in Outertale,but man! I wanted to meet some Dusttale people!" Horror Goth said. F! Goth and SF! Pallete chuckled.
*With C! Goth and S!Pallete*
Low gravity is so cool! C! Goth said.
The two girls began floating around looking for Outer Goth. Then there was laughter,causing the girls to freeze. C! Goth then recognized the sounded like HER laughter. "That must be Outer Goth." She said.
The girls then looked up and saw a girl sitting on a floating platform. She waved down to the other and giggled.
"Hello!" She called out. "Hello up there!" C! Goth said. The girl floated down from the platform to them.
"I'm Outertale Goth! Who are you?" She asked. "I'm Undertale a.k.a Classic Goth!" C! Goth said. "I'm Underswap Pallete..." S! Pallete said shyly. The girls eventually met up with the others,and they went to Dreamtale hoping no one would find them there.The girls sat together in Dreamtale discussing a plan. "Hey guys check this out!" F! Goth said. The others came to look. Camin had left a note before she left. The girls read it.

F! Goth I have figured out a way to kill the virus without breaking the pacifist rules. You need to go through your guys respected aus and look for the six reaperstones in the waterfall caves and bring them to the Reaper castle in reapertale but you all have to stick together,it's to dangerous to go off on your own,keep away from any dangers especially the Reaper king and other reapers. Once you guys have all the stones take them to the center of the castle and place them in the openings of the ancient reaper monument. Stay safe and be careful
- Camin.

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