Drunk and Successful [britt + Alecksander Patton]

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(brit's profile: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/21199257-britt)

{I play as George Weasley, she is playing as her OC Alison}

  Alison sat on the floor of Fred and George's dorm, surrounded by new products and bottles of firewhiskey. She crossed her legs and looked up at the two of them. "If you two make me try another love potion, I swear I'm going to kill you. But anyways," She muttered, dragging out the "s". "What do we have to try today?"  

  "Well, dear Alison, we have a new product that dyes hair when you eat it! Choose the color you would like," George's hand held out a box of candies that ranged from blue and purple to red and yellow, "and your hair will match!" 

"Well, it supposed to anyway!" Fred added in causing a chuckle to leave George's lips as he watched Alison's expression. He could feel the excitement and anticipation wafting off of Fred, and he could probably feel it off George.  

  Alison rolled her eyes and giggled. "Well, yellow is one of my favorite colors." She told them and grabbed a yellow candy, eating it quickly and looking at the twins with wide, brown eyes. She moved a few empty bottles as she pulled her knees to her chest. "Well? Did it work?" She asked and couldn't help but smile softly, her smile and happiness just radiating throughout the room

  George smiled as he watched Alison's roots turn a dandelion yellow, and started laughing of happiness as the yellow slowly slid down the rest of her hair. 

"IT WORKED!" Both of the twins yelled as they smiled at each other. George wrapped his arm around Fred's shoulder as he stuck his hand out for the test subject to take. The smile on George's face never left as Fred left the room to go talk to Lee in the Great Hall.

"I-I honestly didn't think it would work," George breathed out, staring in awe at Alison's hair. "Thank you Alison."  

Alison smiled warmly and stayed in her seat on the floor. She took a swig from one of the open bottles of firewhiskey as she grinned up at her best friend. "Why are you thanking me? You're the one that created it. You're a genius, George."

  George picked up a bottle from the floor and opened it, taking a long drink from it.

"I'm thanking you because you tested it. You were brave," At this point you could tell that George was a lightweight, a very lightweight when it came to drinking, "you tested it, when I wouldn't. Thank you. I am not a genius, at all. I just sell," he takes another long swig, " Fred does the creating, I, my fair lady, do not."

George smiles at Alison and giggles drunkenly. He stands up from the bed and falls right back on it. He tries once more and succeeds, then walking over to Alison, enveloping her in a hug.

  Alison squealed with giggles as George hugged her. She leaned into him and hugged him back, smiling brightly. "You're still a genius. A prank genius, Georgie." She told him and smiled, definitely tipsy but not drunk enough. This was how almost every weekend went for her and the twins. They'd stay up late on Saturdays and drink firewhiskey that they smuggled in.  

  "Thank you Allie," he looked down at the girl who was only 2 inches shorter than him. Often on weekends like these, he would feel warmth in his chest when he looked at her, but Fred was there then, he wasn't there now. But these feelings would happen around Angelina too...

"Take another drink," George urged Alison, slightly hoping she would get drunk and not remember crap," it taste better today than it usually does."  

  Alison stood up and grabbed a bottle off the floor. She sat down on the bed and lifted the bottle to her mouth, taking a huge swig and downing quite a lot. "It always tastes better each time that you drink it." She told him, smiling drunkenly. The dorm was an absolute pigsty, but she was just happy to be with one of her favorite people in the entire world. 

  George smiles at the beautiful girl in his arms, wondering if she was as drunk as he was yet, sipping from a bottle once more.

"Do you know," he hiccups and tightens his grip on the girl in his arms," that you are one of the most beautiful girls in the world?" George's head finds Alison's shoulder and takes a deep breath, inhaling the scent of Allie. 

  Alison blushed madly as she curled up in his arms, burrowing her head into his chest. "Can I tell you something, Georgie?" She asked quietly, taking another large swig of the whiskey, having drank nearly half the bottle now. 

 "Say whatever you want doll," George whispered in her ear, watching for her reaction, "I'll listen." He picks up the bottle and continues drinking it until it's empty, in other words, he just drank over half a bottle of firewhisky at once.

George's hands slowly make their way down Alison's back and towards her bottom, hoping to make a grab without her stopping him. He knew she wouldn't want sex on the first night, but he couldn't help but imagine what she would look like under her clothes and how she would react to his prick.  

  Alison finished off most of the bottle before she blurted out, "George. I've been in love with you since I was 14. So for 3 years now. And uh, I never told you because you're my best friend in the entire world but you keep flirting with Angelina and she always talks about you and I can't handle it anymore-" She rambled on and on, not even caring if he touched her butt. 

  George's hand stopped on her bottom, slowly squeezing it, hoping that he would get a reaction out of her. He lifted his head from her shoulder and placed his lips onto hers. He groaned into her mouth as he put his body right on hers.

After sitting down on the bed, he spoke to her, "Come here," he motioned for her to sit on his lap, "I wanna keep kissing those beautiful, soft, luscious lips of yours." 

  "Mm, George Weasley is a romantic. What a surprise." She murmured softly and climbed into his lap, straddling his hips. Alison smirked and cupped his cheeks with her hands as she crashed her lips onto his, kissing him patiently. With a quick flick of her hand, she locked the door to his dorm, praying that Fred and Lee wouldn't interrupt them in case things went far. 

"Only for you love. only for you," George slowly made his way down her neck, leaving love bites in his wake. His hands never left her round bottom as he pushed her down, closer to his body. "I love you too Alison, loved you since 2nd year." One hand left her bottom and went to her hair, slowly raking through the long, brown strands. 

  Alison shuddered softly as he left marks along her skin. "Well I guess that settles things." She murmured and laughed quickly as she relaxed from his touch in her hair. She bit her lip and smiled drunkenly at him, completely in love with him, especially now in the moment. 

George couldn't help but slightly buck his hips as he feels the warmth between her legs on top of his prick. "Baby girl, I-I can't wait," his lips found her neck as he started to take off her shirt, hoping that she wouldn't mind going this quick. But if she did, they could always watch each other deal with themselves. 

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