Chapter Fifteen

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Jade's POV

" You're over here again? " I hear the annoying Vega whine, I turn my head to see Trina walking down the stairs with a disgusted look on her face. 

" I hate to see you too. " I respond popping a piece of popcorn in my mouth, I then turn my attention back to what's happening on the screen. 

" Both of you, be nice. " Tori mumbles staring intently at the movie on the screen as well, the last big scene of the movie is starting. 

" Whatever, I just think that Jade should spend some time at her own house for once. " Trina shrugs starting to go through the fridge, searching for food. 

" I wish I could dissect your brain and figure out what's wrong with you. " I blurt out bluntly making Trina stop on her tracks with a worried expression. I smirk at her sudden silence. 

" You could never do that. " She mumbles back, more in the way of a question than a statement. 

" Try me. " I jeer back glaring at her, she raises her eyebrows and suddenly doesn't look so confident. 

" Oh you guys, shush. He's about to tell her he loves her. " Tori gestures to the movie where you see the two main character's expressing their love while the alien invasion comes to a close in the background. We had to compromise. 

" I hope one of the dead aliens comes back to life and kills him. " I mumble bringing my attention back to the screen as well. 

" Your friend is disturbing, Tori. " Trina cringes before walking off back up the stairs. 

" And your sister is annoying, Tori. " I point out earning a gasp and huff from the top of the stairs, Tori still sits intently staring at the screen. This must be her kind of movie, I'll keep that in mind for future hang out sessions.  

Ever since she came over to my house two weeks ago with her useless apology, we've done nothing but spend time with each other. Whether it's at my house or hers, we usually just talk or watch movies. It's been really strange for me, honestly. I've never had a friend like her, I've never had anyone to just hang out with. Well other than my previous boyfriend Beck. 

Some days Tori and I don't even talk much, for example, a day like today. We drove here to her house after school, threw in a movie and made some popcorn. It's becoming more of a routine to hang out with her more than anything. I don't know when this is going to come to an end, I just hope it's not soon.

Sometimes it gets difficult though, being around her so much when I know I can't do anything about my weird feelings for her. If I ever decided to make a move, I know that our friendship would probably end very quickly. She would probably think i'm some sort of freak and try to avoid me for the rest of time. So, I shall stay silent. 

I won't stop fighting though, I won't have anyone else have her. Yes, I know. I'm very selfish, I don't care. I'll especially do whatever it takes to make sure that stupid boy I used to date doesn't make any drastic moves. Beck's been slowly creeping in on Tori, acting all flirty and so nice to her. The boy makes me sick. Every time I do find her with him, whether they're talking in the halls or sitting next to each other in class, I make sure to stop it. 

I have no fear going over to them and pulling her away, which just makes him upset.. Nobody can see it but me, but I know we're not on good terms at the moment. Which is fine with me, I've faced reality and gotten over him. It wasn't that hard once I realized how much we didn't talk at the end of the relationship, I see him in a completely different way now. If one day we become friends, then great too. I just don't want him to be with my friend, or best friend. I don't really know. 

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