Chapter 2

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The old man awoke to the sound of his wife yelling at him. Not wanting to hear any more of it, he got off the couch, grabbed his notebook, and walked across the street to 'his' park bench. It wasn't his bench of course but nobody sat there but him, so he thought he had a right to call it his.

He took out his flip book and began to draw what would be the start of something amzing, but maybe tragic.

"Kellin looked to his left as someone sat next to him. It was a man with long mocoa hair and brown eyes. He was wearing black skinny jeans much like Kellin's and a white Blink 182 shirt. 'Wow', Kellin thought. Nobody had ever sat next to him, especially not someone as attractive as this man.

"Hi," the other man said. "My name is Vic Fuentes."

"Kellin Quinn." Vic chuckled. "Everyone knows who you are." Kellin raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, your dad is famous in this town for going to jail and you're his son." Kellin wasn't sure if he liked where this conversation was going. "Why did he go to jail anyway?"

"None of your business," Kellin said quickly. All Vic did was smile. "I get it. You've got that whole mysterious vibe. I like that."

Kellin was growing to loathe this man already. "I'm not 'mysterious', I just think my private life should stay private. Now, could you please leave me be."

"Well, alright. I was just coming over here to ask you on a date but I guess not." 'Oh please', Kellin thought. "I don't want to go on a date with you."

"I gathered that much."

"How is it you already seem like a dick?"

"How is it you're so defensive?"

"I'm not being defensive, I'm being real."

Vic erupted into a song, "First things first, I'm the realist!" he sang. Kellin hated that song with a burning passion and he didn't know why anyone would want to listen to that particular song or that genre of music.

"Will you please go away?"

"Only if you come with me."

Kellin sighed, "No, I'm not going with you." Vic didn't seem annoyed at all. "Fine, I'll see you tomorrow."


Kellin hated it when people brought up his family. It made him feel weak and exposed. It wasn't any of their business really. But he lived in the small town of Cambridge, Colorado so once something bad happened, they never stopped talking about it. His father was an especially soft spot. Nobody needed to know what happened to him that night. Kellin didn't even want to think about it.

Kellin was sitting on his couch, a little hesitant to go back outside. Vic said he'd come to see him today and he wasn't sure if he wanted that. Finally, he decided to stop being a little bitch and went outside to sit on his porch.

As soon as he sat his sorry ass down, none other than Vic Fuentes was by his side. Kellin sighed and looked over at Vic. "Ya know, I come out here every day because I like to watch the couples. Alone."

Vic smiled at something, "So you like to watch people be together alone?" Damn, why did he have to make sense and no sense at the same time.


We sat in silence for a moment. Kellin was silently hating himself because he thought Vic was deadly attractive. What he didn't know was that Vic was thinking the same thing about Kellin (and maybe a little bit about himself).

Vic finally broke the silence, "Since I'm not leaving anytime soon, why don't we get to know each other?" Kellin had an inner battle within himself. He wanted to do this but what would it lead to? "Fine," he said.

Vic smiled at Kellin, "Okay, let's start simple. Favorite color?"


"That's a shade and/or an absence of a color."

"Did you just say and/or?"

"Did you?"

"Whatever, what's yours? Your favorite color I mean," Kellin continued.

"Black," Vic smiled. Kellin hit his arm lightly, "Dick."

"Are you making a suggestion?" Vic asked teasingly. Kellin wanted to scream.

"Favorite band?" Kellin asked, taking the moral high ground.

"Probably Pierce The Veil," Vic said.

Kellin shrugged and said, "Never heard of them."

"Yeah, nobody has."



Sorry for the shortness but it's 1 A.M. and I'm tired. By the way, I just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to read this story. It has 171 reads right now and I really only have one chapter. Votes and comments are always appreciated.

Kellic is real, cats are awesome, and bands are life. See ya'. *imagine I'm saluting you while drifting off into nothingness*

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