Chapter 18

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'Come on! Thirty more push-ups!' I yell. The warriors pant. One of them stops. 'Can we please take a break N'Yarai?' He says out of breath. 'Take a look around you. Do you see any woman or men complaining except from you?' He shakes his head. 'Exactly. So grow some balls and give me sixty more!' He sighs and continues.

My Kimoyo bead bracelet beeps. I see Shuri's caller ID. I pick up and a holographic version of her pops up. 'You miss me already?' I answer. 'Shut up and come down to my lab real quick.' 'Okay.' I hang up. 'Take a five minute break then practice your speed and flexibility. Samria, you are in charge now. I'll be right back.'

When I walk in Shuri's lab loud afro music is buzzing from the speakers. I greet the Dora Milaje warriors with the Wakandan sign. I see T'Challa & Shuri working on something. 'What are you two doing?'

'We are making something special for you.' T'Challa says while he hugs me. 'I made this suit for you.' She points to a mannequin wearing a black leather suit with embroidered details.

'This is a suit filled up and protected with vibranium electricity

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'This is a suit filled up and protected with vibranium electricity. These things here are punch blasters. When you punch someone you basically punch them with electricity up to 1000 V (volt). I saw how you punched that man yesterday and I had to add these to strengthen your abilities.'

'I like it, but how am I going to enable the electricity at all times?'

'Well, I managed to discover a way to use the minimum amount of vibranium but still have that powerful effect. Say "powers".' I look at her with furrowed eyebrows. 'Just say it.'

I sigh. 'Powers.' Suddenly, the suit begins to glow in a blue color. 'Now kick it.' She orders.
I shake my head. 'T'Challa is going to kick it this time, the other time I injured my wrist.' I say with my arms crossed. 'Why do I have to do it?' He says sighting. 'Come on T'Challa you aren't king anymore so you can't say no.'

'I may not be the king of Wakanda anymore but I still got dignity. I will not kick your suit.' He says. But moments later he is preparing himself to kick. 'If I break something that is on you.' He warns.

'Yeah whatever just kick the suit T'Challa.' Shuri says. He kicks it and flies through the air, landing on Shuri's desk. 'You have a pretty stable table Shuri.'

Our laughter fill up the room. 'But I suppose I won't have to put my suit piece by piece on right?' 'Yes, if you wear this necklace and think about transforming into the suit, then it will appear on your body just like T'Challa's and Erik's.' She hands me a beautiful amulet.

' She hands me a beautiful amulet

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'It's beautiful.' I say while admiring it. 'Well you should thank Erik for that. I told him about the suit and he thought it was a good idea. He designed the amulet for you. He's actually not that bad. I think.' I smile. I did not expect him to be that romantic.

I put it on and it immediately starts glowing. I close my eyes and think about transforming. I open my eyes and see the black suit hugging my body. Every curve of my body is being projected perfectly.

'I love it Shuri!' I want to hug her but then stop looking at the humorous blasters attached to my hands. I unactive my suit then give her a hug. 'Now we got three superheroes in Wakanda.' T'Challa jokes. 'Shut up.'

I walk through the halls searching for Erik but I can't seen to find him anywhere. A guards passes me by. 'Have you seen the King?' I ask her. 'He is in his bedroom.' 'Thanks.'

Confusion swarms through my mind. Why would Erik be in his own bedroom again when we share one together? I knock on the door. I hear him cursing and things falling on the ground. 'What the heck..'

He opens the door and smiles nervously at me. 'Hey Yara, what are you doing here?' I look at him with squinted eyes. 'Why are you so nervous? Is there something I can't find out about?!' I ask while pushing him out of the way. I step in and look around. The bed has no wrinkles in its sheets. That means.. no wrinkles, no girl. But then why is he acting like this!?

'I'm not nervous princess.' 'You never call me princess. Now I know there is definitely something up.'

'There is something. But I will tell you tomorrow. Because then you life will change drastically.'
I furrow my eyebrows. 'What do you mean?' He holds my face and kisses me.

'You will find out soon, sweet cheeks.'


Thank you so much for 5000 reads!!🎈 That is insane!
I apologize for not writing and updating for 2 days. I had a lot of tests and homework. But tomorrow is my last day of school. Then I have 4 days free from school so that means a tonnnn of updates coming!😘

Love E.🖤

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