My mistake

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"Might I have this dance?"

I called out to her and she looked a little surprised to see me.

"Oh",she said.

Trying to be polite I spoke in a kind voice with a smile on my face.

"Excuse me, but are you the lady accompanying Prince Edward earlier?" She looked slightly taken aback but I failed to see why.


"You seemed to be quite well acquainted with him and I find myself curious as to where you're from".

"Where I'm from.....?" There was confusion in her voice.

"Yes. Are you by chance of royal blood? Or perhaps the daughter of a nobleman?"

"Oh no......I'm just a normal student". Now I was confused and my smile faded. Student? What does she mean a student? And why is she with Prince Edward then?!

"A student.....?", I asked skeptical.

"Yes. I'm on an exchange to a university in Charles. It was there I....." she started to say but I cut her off and finished her sentence.

"So you met Prince Edward out on the street somewhere.... And he invited you here?", my tone was more flat and matter of fact than I intended. She nodded and shrugged.


There goes all my reason to talk to her. If she is not royalty or nobility there's no use in asking her to a dance. So she's a commoner and that explains her behavior so far. I sighed audibly.

"I'm sorry, but I don't see any merit in asking you to dance." I said but I felt kinda... down? If that was disappointment I didn't know.

She looked shocked.


"I made a mistake......excuse me" I said and left. But I couldn't get her shocked expression out of my head. I headed for the dance floor with another noble lady.

As we danced my eyes fell upon her again... dancing with Roberto. Of course, at first she was clumsy but soon adjusted to his lead and smiled. As she stumbled he said something to her and she looked into his eyes smiling. I felt a prick in my chest and I must admit I didn't particularly like her dancing with him or looking at him like that. So I looked away. This is a first for me... so I didn't know what it was. As the song ended I curtised and moved off the dance floor. My eyes looked to her again and I saw Roberto waving to her smiling. I stared unwittingly at her back and she must have felt my eyes because she turned to look who it was. Our eyes locked for a moment but I quickly averted them and walked away as if I wasn't staring, leaving her to her thoughts. She must think I'm a jerk now... wait why am I worried about what she'll think of me?! I couldn't seem to find out what's going on with me.

I wasn't sure what it was about today but I kept seeing her. As I was sipping the Charlesian red wine along with the princes I saw her to the side of the room a couple of tables away and Zain, the head butler of the castle, called out to her.

"Excuse me, but am I right in assuming you to be Miss Odette Willows?" She turned with a start.

"Huh? Yes, that's right." So her name is Odette. What a cute na-?! Though I startled myself with the thought a smile formed on my lips. The guys gave me looks but I couldn't care less.

"Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Zain, butler to Lord Michel."

"Lord Michel.....?" she said looking confused and deep in thought.

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