Chapter 20 (Final)

Start from the beginning

Won asks Tan to go see Young-do about receiving power of attorney for his father’s shares, and Tan asks in return for Won to continue with his development project with Zeus. He agrees to do keep his word on that score even with Young-do’s dad in prison.

Tan goes to see Eun-sang and sticks his arms out for a bear-hug, and they have a happy reunion.

He visits Young-do next, and apologizes for having to come to him for a business matter at a time like this. Young-do guesses that Madam Jung is trying to take over the company, and sighs, “Moms. Whether you have ’em or not, they’re trouble.” Ha.

Tan knows they’re not friends, but promises to repay him for the favor if he’ll stand on their side. Young-do tells Tan to repay him now, and asks that he forgive him for the stuff he said to his mom. Aw. I really like 12 Steps Young-do. So…can you be friends NOW?

He gets up to go downstairs for dishwashing duty, which surprises Tan. Young-do points out that right now washing dishes is the only thing he has the power to do.

VP Yoon goes to see Rachel’s mom, who made it clear to Madam Jung earlier that she hadn’t yet chosen which side to take. It really only takes a moment of connection between the two exes for her to take the boys’ side, and they exchange well wishes that seem genuine and not laced with bitterness for the first time ever.

Won meets with his maybe-fiancée next, and agrees to marry her for her vote. I wish I could say this episode weren’t as choppy as it sounds on paper, but things just happen one right after the other. At this point I’m glad we even met this girl before now.

Then it’s time for the stockholders vote to edge Chairman Dad out, and despite Madam Jung’s smugness, the brothers win majority vote in the end and protect Dad’s position. She tells Won not to rest on his laurels thinking the war is over, and says they’ll be doing this again in no time (meaning when the chairman dies once and for all).

But as soon as she says the words, VP Yoon gets the call that Chairman Dad is awake, and he’s going into surgery now. Guess you’ll have to wait a little longer for your war, lady.

The brothers wait outside the surgery ward with VP Yoon and Madam Han, who is beside herself with worry. They get word that surgery went well, and she bursts into tears. Tan chides her for crying over a man who kicked her out, but she obviously doesn’t care about that now, and even Won sees how broken up she is about Dad.

Young-do returns to his mother’s café, and this time he gets up the courage to walk through the door. Mom recognizes him instantly and he just starts to cry standing there in the doorway.

She wipes away his tears and hugs him close, saying that she’s sorry she didn’t wait longer, that she didn’t go to see him. He ekes out, “Mom, Mom…” like he’s trying out the word for the first time.

At school, Hyo-shin passes his books down to Eun-sang and thanks her for being a bright spot in an otherwise dreary high school career, and she notes that it sounds an awful lot like a farewell.

Rachel gets called into the office to give her opinion on her mother’s new line, and her mom asks if she wants to take a single girls’ trip somewhere warm for the winter. At least she’s trying to be a mom now.

Her main concern is that Rachel seems to be taking her sleeping pills, and Rachel says it’s just because she hasn’t been sleeping well. Mom sends her to the psychiatrist anyway to get her own diagnosis and prescription, just in case.

Rachel runs into Hyo-shin at the doctor’s office, and he surprises her by saying rather plainly that he’s a regular patient here. He floors her with even bigger news that he’s headed to the army, and she asks if he has a girl to wait for him. He doesn’t have an answer for that.

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