prologue: what the fuck even is high school

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now that i think about it, i probably should have tried harder.

and i don't mean with grades. when you go to a low-income school with a bunch of lousy students and underpaid teachers, it's not that hard to get on the good side. 

what i mean is the wholesome stuff. the whole "clique" thing. making friends. staying with those friends. getting a girlfriend. or boyfriend. whatever. taking them home to meet your folks. and being good to those folks. that's what i should have worked on. i didn't, and now i'm running in circles, trying to understand how teens are supposed to work, like in those movies where they say cheesy stuff and fret over tiny problems and fall head over heels for the person who totally shouldn't love them back. steve told me that's how kids act at the new school, and i'm not gonna be used to it.

jesus christ. this whole thing probably sounds stupid -- i sound like a woman on tape. somehow ma got me into writing down my issues. she says it's good for my temper. that's part of the reason why i'm transferring to STARK high. but i don't really want to talk about that right now. 

i have to go and prepare myself for tomorrow. maybe steve knows how rich kids work. i'll call him and see. 


edit: he says to dress nice and i'll be fine. i don't think i should listen to him, though. that boy wears flannels tucked into corduroys like an old man. smh. 

haha. text talk.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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