ch4 to join or not to join the student console

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(sam--------he's so fucked)

I fucking screwed not because I'm walking with cute -but tariffing- its archly because it's my first day here and I might get killed me. I notice the eye patch keeps glancing at me and look's away quickly blushing a little so I crack a joke .....bad idea....." gee is there something on my face because you......." I was cut off by a fest heading strate for my face and at that moment I know ....... I fucked up. I was sent flying across the room hitting the wall making a dent in the wall." yeah it's a black eye he he "eyepatch said little mad. "wow aoi were not suppose to kill him were suppose to....."

"yeah yeah I know shut up akane"aoi said. so that's there names huh. I thought holding my left eye but the pain went away faster than I thought.


gaa why do I keep looking at him and thinking about him. I looked at him once again manly at the black eye I gave him (man that felt good) but when I saw it it was almost gone I swar it was a lot darker after I punched him huh strange. I soon felt a little bad for him so "hey s...sorry for punching you ..... umm here let me help you up" I say reaching out my hand blushing a little why am I " it ok I already forgave you " he said taking my hand and getting up he got up and were an inch apart, we stared at each other for a little longer intel I heard a click. thats when I slowly turned around to see a my fellow counsel member and best friend shiromi and the air head akane with there phones out , I know Megami not to use intimidation for the other student counsel but I'm mad like hell "please tell me you did not said that to everyone." I said grinding my teeth together and cracking my fest and neck but it had no effaced on them huh that mostly works on the others oh well "to late we both already send it wow you guys look soo cuute together hmhm"akane said as happy as ever I swear one day im going to kill her. "Any whys megami is here and she waiting for us you know she does not like tardynis " shiromi said. "Hey don't forget the vice president Kuroko" said akane with a little fear in her voice.
"Umm who is megami is she emportent."sam said confused I looked at his eye it completely healed not even a not even a hint that I ever punched him....will except the hole I made in the wall.
I was about to answer him in till shiromi came right next to him and put her arm around him saying. " will your about to meet her so is there really a point in telling you right now bro he he." For some reason im jealous and I wish it was my arm around him but then I realized that its just what shiromi would do to just about everyone but still. "Lets go guys." I say in a dark tone, then turn around touching my eyepach.


We went up the stairs then go through a mother hull way to relay fancy room that said student council. it had two slide doors on each side like all the other classrooms but with a window in the middle of it with certens over covering it. Aoi walked ahead of me then sneckerd a little then forcefully opening the door yelling "!! WHATS UP FUCKERS we brought the new kid just ass you ask." All five of us laugh hard soon my jaw begin to hurt"ow aa ow" I said in pain it stopped when something hit my head then I herd three other bumps then ow's but my head healed in five sic then i felt no pain. when i looked to see the most scarcest person I've ever seen she had long black hair and glasses,her hands were behind her back and had no emotion,her eyes were looking at me like i'm a cockroach its fucking scary " you guys are about 30 seconds late come in......."she said before continue to keep speaking."and ms ryugoku."y-yes "aoi said shyly"

"if you ever do that again.... your going to wish you had your other eye." she said with a serious face and no emotion. aoi looked down saying "yes Kuroko sempai" i can tell she was trying to keep her anger together for some reason i got a little mad . " Mr Acker please come with me the president is waiting to meet you." I was still little mad at her so why the hell not he he( im dead) "alright mom" i said. she got mad then she tried a lunging punch but then the would begin to go in slow monition she was about an inch from hitting my face so i just moves left about a foot making her crashing agents the wall she got back up even more mad then went for a round house kick but right before it hit my face the slow monition came back and automatically ducked making her foot hit the floor breaking it a little. i sighed because i was getting bard saying

"OK can we just get this over with i have to get to class" after i said kuroko tried to slap me i just let it hit (........big mistake ) it connected and was sent flying into the council room then something hit my forehead it felt like a table a seconds later a slow liquid dripped down my face i already know what it was but i just touched my forehead and looked at my hand it was red i was bleeding. I tried to num the pain and stop the bleeding by putting my hand over my cut. a napkin append over my face surprised i took it got up from the ground cleaning up the blood from my face. " so you must be Sam acker i'm megami saikou ." i turned around to see a girl with long silver hair about my age maybe a little older than me. she has not that so much emotion unlike ms party pooper (kuroko kamemenage). she seems to be a nice person to be around (i was so wrong.) "so what is the reason i was asked here?"i ask

"will i've been going thru your report and what i read interested me to ask if you would like to join the student consle"

"Wait what!!" I herd aoi yell behind me right in my ear. i looked behind to see aoi's eye widens in shock "but but you never let guy join the student console and he's new so he has not proved him self worthy of joining ." aoi argued with megami

"yes that is that is true but his record from his other school as a member of leadership make him an exposition ." megami said

"but i was no one really important ." i said remembering my time as a member of leadership

megami got up from her chair walked over to aoi's eye and wesper something aoi then sighed and nodes OKing what she said then backed away a little. i wonder what they were saying to each other the aoi trued red

megami got back to her seat then said " sam it is up to you if you want to join or not but i think you will be a good edition to the team."

i thought for awhile then i desided "fine i'll join ." i looked at aoi she sighed closing her eye and touching her eye-patch looking little sad

"will congratulation you are now an part of the student console your job well to join one club a day and watch and help them out if they need it"

"ok so am i good to go or do you have something elas."

"yes i'm also will be partnering you up with aoi for patrolling and stopping conflicts."

"!!whaat!!" me and aoi said at the same then we looked at each other at the same time jaw open

"hmm hmm oh look at you two getting along even though you barely know each other i'm a little envious." akane said cheerfully

"akane you air headed bit--"aoi yelled

"aoi control your self " kuroko said interrupt aoi

"yes mama "aoi said scarrd

"OK is there any thing else you want" i said

"yes just come after school today so i may give you new uniform." megami said

"ok can i go now " i said


"whelp cya guys" I said walking out of the room off to the gym then I herd aoi ask if she can leave to megami agreed then I herd her footsteps coming this way then walking with me
"Umm... why are you followings me."I said
"Well don't you have P.E. now. "She said
"Oh ok got it" I said
"And that were now partners so we have to get to know each other a little more so we trust each other." Aoi said with a blush. Trust the last time I trusted someone my childhood best friend was killed right in front of me by them and I did nothing to save her.

"I can't trust anyone."I said muder under my breath in a cold whispering
"Huh what was that sam." Aoi said confused
"Its nothing you should be consned about." I said getting a little mad then walk a little faster ignoring her
Then I put on my earbuds

"Sam hey sam wait up." I yeld out for him but he just ignored me"is it samething I said.?

Oh shit guys this story just got dark
And it look like oka has a new rival
And sarry this chapter took to long cya next chapter

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