Dares and Truths

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Me: Welcome back to PowerPuff, RowdyRuff, and PowerPunk T or D!!!!! *looks around* Rowdys!!!!! Get your butts in my living room!!!!!!! 

RRB: Sorry.

Me: Anyways let's start with the truths first! Jane you start!

Jane: First T! BC?

BC: What? *looking at her phone*

Me: *snaps and BC's phone appears in my hand* Who told you to disrespect the guests????!!!!!

BC: *points at Butch* He dared me to do it.

Me: Let's do this later *death glares Butch*

Jane: BC. Who do you like better? Butch or Breaker?

BC: Breaker. Butch is such a pervert.

Me: Interesting. *looks at Brute* Brute calm down. I'm sure it's just a friend kind of way.

Jane: Next T! BC. Who was your first crush?

Bubbles: I can answer that question!

Me: Go ahead Bubbles! BC is blushing way to much to answer.

Bubbles: Her first crush was... Mitch!

Butch: That idiot!!!!!

Me: Stop being overprotective!!!!

Butch: Sorry.

Me: Next T!

Jane: Bloss who do you chose? Brick or Blake?

Bloss: Brick of course!!!!

Me: Wolf.

Wolf: Everyone tell their darkest secrets! Not the guests.

Me: Lights!

Bubbles: Ahhhhhh!!!! It got soooooo dark!

Me: Flashlight! Thank you. Bubbles why don't you tell your darkest secret first.

Bubbles: I trash talk to my grandma sometimes.

Me: Butch.

Butch: I almost killed BC once.

Me: Boom.

Boomer: My voice can break glass.

Me: Bloss.

Bloss: I sometimes hate Brick.

Me: Brick.

Brick: I sometimes think Bloss is annoying

Me: BC.

BC: I sometimes get bored of sports.

Me: Blake

Blake: Berserk is annoying

Berserk: Blake is a jerk sometimes

Brat: I sometimes hate Brute

Brute: I sometimes hate Brat

Breaker: *sleeping*

Bash: *sleeping*

Me: BOYS!!!!! Wake up!!!!!

Bash: Sorry my darkest secret is that once almost killed Brat

Breaker: I almost killed Brute

Me: Lights!!!!

Lunar: Wow. What secrets.

Wolf: *nods*

Me: Dares!!!!!!

Jane: Bloss you must kiss Brat.

Bloss and Brat: I'm not kissing the annoying girl!!!!!!

Me: Where's my wand????!!!!

Bloss and Brat: We'll do it!

Me: *pushes Bloss*

Jane: *pushes Brat*

Me: *takes a pic* Blackmail!!!!!

Jane: My next dare is that BC must kiss every boy.

Time skip because the kissing was totally G-R-O-S-S!

Me: Jane.

PPG: There's more????!!!

Me: Yes. Way more.

Jane: Rights kiss Puffs and Rowdys kiss punks

After dare!

Jane: BC kiss Butch.

Again after the dare!

Me: Wolf! It's your turn!

Wolf: Breaker kill Brute.

Breaker: Sorry. *kills*

Me: *brings back to life*

Wolf: Everyone kill each other!!!

Me: *snaps and Puffs, Ruffs, Rights, and Punks have weapons and me and guests are in a unbreakable glass room*

After the fight!

Me: *brings everyone back to life*

Wolf: Butch you need to be scratched by 98 cats.

Butch: That's almost 100!!!!

Me: But still *waves wand and cats appear in a cage*

Bloss: This will get ugly.

Me: Your right. Basement everyone!!!

Everyone except Butch: *goes in basement*

Me: *opens box and goes in basement*

Butch: *being scratched by cats*


Me: It's done!

Everyone: *exits and sees butch dead*

Me: Wow. *brings back to life*

Butch: That was scary.


Me: This is the end of PowerPuff, RowdyRuff, and PowerPunk.

Punks: Vote,

PPG: Comment,

Everyone: And see y'all next time!!!!!!



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