Forgetful Girl

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Hello my little Cupcakes! :D

Last chapter I said that Patricia lived in Ohio… Can I change that to London? Thanks J

“Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact” -- JK Rowling.

“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.”-- Elie Wiesel


Harry’s POV:

A purse, diary and a pair of shoes is what we found when we arrived at the park on our break. Today was nice. The trees looked greener than usual, and the grass felt softer. The sun was shining bright, but not suffocating bright. This was the kind of day in which one would just lie down in the grass and sleep.

“I just want to take my shirt off and sleep.” Liam said, stretching out his arms.

“Yea,” everyone replied. I smirked and fell to the soft grass.

“Whatchya doing, mate?”, Louis asked. I didn’t reply and just closed my eyes with my shades on.

I turned my head to the side to see a girl talking to her dog. I couldn’t hear what she was saying but it looked… cute. The way she looked almost anxious while talking to that dog. The way her long brown hair fell over her face, even with the beanie there. She reminded me of the song I sang for my X-factor audition; Isn’t She Lovely.

While I was staring like a creep, I didn’t know she was heading here. I looked at her. Was she a fan? Then it hit me, she was barefooted. She was coming here for her shoes and things…

Patricia’s POV:

OK Patricia, I say to myself. Don’t worry. You mightn’t even have to talk. Just grab your stuff and go! Well, don’t just run out of the park like an idiot. Get Ace and then run out of the park. Play it cool!

While I’m ranting on and on in my head, I don’t see the person lying on the ground (wait, what?), and trip over. A yelp escapes my lips as I do.

“Oh my god!”, a male voice says, “Are you OK?”. I turn to my back to find myself surrounded by the boys that were sitting on the bench.

Oh no. Are they going to beat me up? Relax Patricia. They don’t know that you’re supposedly mute. Just get up and take your stuff. I sit up and scrunch out of the circle the boys made around me.

“I-”, the same masculine voice starts, but is interrupted as I grab my things and run to my dog.

“I’m sorry!”, the voice yelled behind me. I take out the lead from my bag and tie it around her collar.

I have everything don’t I. Wait my diary… I turn to look at the boys but accidentally run into someone. I look up at the person. He has blond hair and tiny little freckles on his nose.

“Hey,” he says. He has a heavy accent. Irish I think. I don’t reply of coarse. Because I can’t.

“Em… well you forgot your diary.” he said, handing me my brown, hardcover book.

“T-Th-”, I can’t do it. So I once again break into a run, until I’m far away from the park and in mid town.

Niall’s POV:

That was… weird. That girl. She’s, I don’t know, different. The way she breaks into a run, every time someone talks to her. It makes someone wonder what goes on in her life. I know she’s not mute or anything. She stuttered just there.

I push the thought to the back of my mind, as I walk back.

“We should head back,” Liam says, still looking like he was trying to make sense of the girl.

“I wonder what her name is.” Louis wonders out loud. Everyone shrugs.

Patricia’s POV:

I stop running and panted heavily. I kneeled down to level with my dog.

“Why am I unable to talk like everyone else.” I mused. Of coarse I knew why I wasn’t even confident enough to talk. It was all his fault. The life I lived before my thirteenth birthday was a horrible one. The one no one would understand if I told them. Only my mother knows.

“Well, if it isn’t Mute Girl.” I flinched at the sound of that judgemental voice. Courtney Jessup. I turned to look at her but daren’t look her in the eye. I could tell from her and the other two fabulous shoes that she was accompanied by her fellow populars’, Lindsey and Ciara.

“Still talking to that dog of yours?”, Ciara snarled. “As if he can understand you.” She laughed bitterly.

Once, just once I would like to stand up to them.

“You’re so ugly.” Courtney stated, “Here let me fix up your face.” She pulled me up by the hair. Reminding me way too much of… him. Still I said nothing. Didn’t even look her in the eye. I didn’t know what she was going to do. So when she slapped me, it hit me with force. So much force, that I fell down.

The stinging. I knew my cheek was bruising up. I took my beanie off my hair and put it on my face, to hide the bruise. I run all the way back home, Ace hot on my heels.

I held back my tears until I was safely in my room. The tears stung where she had slapped me.

The beanie still covering my face, I snuck to the bathroom. There it was. Huge and purple. Right under my bloodshot eyes.


Hello! :D Thank you for reading. Short I know :(

Sneak-peak: Lets just say, the boys were passing by… :D More surprises. Next chapter soon! :{)

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