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Propaganda. Propaganda takes up the world you live in today. Every highway you ride on, there are billboards. The radio that you are listening to while you are driving on those highways is--and I am sure you will agree--over 50% advertisements. The kids in the back seats have their smartphones, tablets, iPads, you name it. They are probably listening Spotify or Pandora with headphones. After a couple of songs, the apps will say something like, "Watch this short video and earn 30 minutes of ad-free music!" or they might just show a video without warning.

Or maybe the kids are watching YouTube videos of DIYs, Fortnite, people wasting their lives playing video games, or other material that entertains them but still rots their brains. Well, maybe not as much as the DIYs because you might actually learn a thing or two from them.

After almost every ad starts, people wait in anguish for about five seconds, ready to press the SKIP AD icon. The websites that you research your homework on are most likely littered with pop-up ads. Maybe you have a live TV show playing in the background as you are reading this. Soon enough, there will most likely be a three-minute commercial break.

Surprisingly enough, this story is not entirely made for/against propaganda.

Books about animals today are very fascinating. By this, I mean I understand how low some authors are by copying another person's works about a brave horse with a flowing mane and tail, saving a twelve-year-old girl from a dangerous situation. There is also the type of story where the stray dog becomes friends with a little boy and they become best friends and the dog is adopted and HOORAY EVERYONE'S HAPPY. I'm going to be very straightforward--my story has very few similarities with these two examples.

This is a sad story. I like authors warning the reader of a sad plot. If you judged the story by its cover--literally--and were looking for a happy story about a girl and her pet... you might as well leave. Close the laptop. Get out while you still can. Get off of this page.

That all being said, let us continue. You're still reading this, aren't you? Out of curiosity, I am assuming? Don't forget that I mentioned propaganda; its very important.

Let's begin.

Disappearanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن