This is Lexi Three

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i waited outside Coaches office for Santana. she had been called in. It was clear when she stormed out in tears, Coach found out about her boob job. I ran into the girls toilets.

"Hey, hey calm down" I grabbed some tissue she took it and wiped away her tears.

"That Bitch Quinn ratted me out. Like screwed me over now she's back as head cheerleader and I'm at the bottom of the pyramid like a loser." she sniffed

"Ana you need to chill out come on" she sighed and calmed down. We left and saw Quinn walking down the hall Santana went at her.

"You told Coach Sylvester about my summer surgery" she yelled

"Summer surgery is when you have your appendix out you got a boob job" Quinn retorted

"Yes I did" Ana slapped Quinn and the fought.

"You can't hit me" Quinn seethed.

"Oh yes I can unless you got yourself knocked up again slut" Quinn shoved Ana into the lockers

"Stop the violence" Britney muttered. Mr Shue came in and stopped them.

"Hey I thought we were supposed to be a family"

"Oh please she has a family she's a mother" Ana taunted

"Walk away and straighten your pony before class" Quinn yelled Ana walked off with me and Britt

"Ana, did you really have to go Lima Heights on her?" I asked

"Oh totally she deserved it." she folded her arms and grabbed her bag.


We waited in Glee Club for anyone to audition it was getting close to five and we'd been her for almost two hours no one had shown up, not even Sam who I thought was going to because he said he would

" Well it looks like no one is going to come so i think we should call it a day" true that

"Wait we said 3:00 till 5:00 its only 4:58" Mr Shue called

"Just wait my buddy Sam is going to try out he totally idolizes me" Finn boasted.

"Face it Finn, you're no longer the quarterback, you're not the pied piper anymore. No one is going to follow you around thinking everything you do is cool" Kurt told him as he left. I looked down disappointed Sam was really good and I liked him, he said he was going to be here. Guess not now.

The next I walked to my locker and opened it when I note fell out.

"Meet me in the parking lot in five minutes Sam" I mumbled. No way nu uh I scrunched it up and threw it in the bin before grabbing my books. I went to go to class when I stopped and looked at the bin. I groaned before turning to the parking lot going outside.

"Glad you came for a minute there I thought you would just go to class." I turned round.

"I still can" I replied coolly

"Look I know why your annoyed it's about the audition. after i saw what Coach Beastie did to Finn I didn't want to well...look I'm new and I already was on the outside looking in." I sighed

"Look I get what it feels like I transferred last year. But trying to fit in doesn't work and just because Glee club doesn't have the best rep I doesn't mean it's cool. You talk about being on the outside looking in. With Glee it isn't like that we're like a family who look after our own and be there for each other. with the occasional fight or argument, I get that you wanted to be in football more but aside from the few they ain't going to be there all the time. If you know what I mean.

"Yeah I do" I heard the bell ring.

"See you around Sam" I ran back inside and to class.

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