What About Animals

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Sirius pulled away, watching her try to hide her winces of pain as she inched up painfully, her eyes  dark and determined. By the time she had pulled herself into a sitting position, she was panting from the effort. They stared at each other in silence before Y/N broke the silence.

"You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to", Y/N whispered, though her voice was steady. "But I'd do it all over again if I had to".

Sirius' gaze softened as he looked at her, all of 5 feet tall, blanching from the pain of sitting up but refusing to back down, this small girl with nerves of steel and a heart of gold, who'd saved his life twice now. Before he could fully process what he was doing, he'd launched himself into her arms, burying his face into the crook of her neck, letting her warmth and scent waft over him. Sirius wasn't sure of much in his tumultuous life, but he was sure that he'd do anything to protect this girl.


"I'm so so so sorry, Y/N", Remus wailed for the billionth time the next day. "You guys are lucky the full moon was coming to an end, that spell could never have actually held me. I think you guys should stop coming out to wait for me, I don't deserve to have friends, I'm a monster and can't be around humans", he wailed out. 

The 4 boys and Y/N were huddled up in the boys dormitory before dinner. Y/N, after a thorough check up from Madame Pomfrey, had finally been cleared to go to classes and was currently leaning against Sirius for support as the boys listened to Remus despair. He had been wracked with guilt since the night, tear stains covering his pillow, deep, purple circles under his eyes.

"Come on, Remmy, you're being drama-"

"Say that again", James interrupted, eyes sparkling.

Y/N whirled her head to look at him, narrowing her eyes with anger and suspicion.

"That I don't deserve to have friends?", Remus squeaked out and James gave him a look of disgust before waving it off.

"No, mate after that."

"I shouldn't be around humans?", Remus asked, while Peter and Sirius looked on curiously.

"Right", said James thoughtfully. "But animals are okay?"

Remus gave him an exasperated look before rolling his eyes.

"Sure James, animals are okay. Do you know any who might wanna be my friend?", he asked sarcastically.

"You're already friends with animals, Remus. Have you heard Sirius snore at night?", Y/N joked, earning an indignant look from Sirius, while Remus actually cracked a smile.

"C'mon buddy, let's go get some food to eat, it's almost supper", Peter said, pulling the skinny boy down the stairs.

Y/N craned her neck, waiting for the pair to disppear from sight when she turned to James.

"What was that about, Potter?" she inquired, recognizing the twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

"Huh? Oh, nothing, don't worry about it", he said, leaping out of his bed. He stopped abruptly at the door, turning back around.

"Y/N, what's that thing you said McGonagall is?"

"A professor?", Y/N asked, confused. 

"No, you know, that thing that she does, turning into a cat."

"That is high level magic James", Y/N warned. 

"I'm curious, humor me."

Y/N sighed wearily. It was an intelligent, though impossible, solution,  she had to give him that.

"An animagus, James, she's an animagus."

"Right, thanks Y/N!", he called out, already half  down the steps. 

"Hey Sirius", Y/N called "Do you mind helping me get off the bed, I still can't put pressure on my arms"

Sirius looked at her, a mischievous smirk crawling on to his face.

"I don't know, Y/N, you did just call me an animal."

"Aw come on Sirius, I was kidding! I'm hungry"

"Should've thought of that before you called me an animal", Sirius huffed.

He watched with amusement as Y/N struggled to get herself off the bed, movements painful and slow. 


Y/N huffed in annoyance at Sirius' antics, determined to get down the steps without his help. Slowly, she extended her legs off the bed, trying to put minimal pressure on her elbows as she tried to push herself up. She was halfway there, words of triumph already on her tongue, when she felt her elbows give out.

She closed her eyes, waiting for the feel of the floor against her body, when she was instead met with a familiar, warm embrace. 

Sirius held her close, a soft smirk still on his face.

"I always got you, Y/N", he whispered and Y/N shivered at their proximity, at his warm breath fanning her face. 

She didn't know if she'd imagined it, but his arm tightened around her waist, tendrils of his hair coming out to tickle her chin as he leaned in, stormy grey eyes unreadable as he held her soft brown ones in a steady, soft gaze. She felt her heart speed up, their faces now so close she could see each individual line, each dot on his face, the way his pupils seemed blown up and his lips parted slightly. 

Involuntarily, her eyes fluttered shut, and Sirius leaned even closer, rough hands coming up to caress her cheek as she felt the warmth of his breathing an impossibly miniscule distance from her own.

And then, she was standing upright, though unsteady on her legs, and the pressure and warmth of Sirius' body was off of her. Opening her eyes, she saw him smiling widely, though there was a distinct sadness in his eyes, and he held up a single feather between his fingers.

"You had something on your face there, love", he said, before loping down the stairs and leaving her wondering what happened once again. 

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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