Two Months

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"You'd think after two months of essays, this would get a little easier", Y/N groaned, scribbling a few last-minute sentences on to her History of Magic paper.

"It did", said Lily, watching her friend with an amused expression. "If you had started it before the day it's due, that is", she teased, nudging Y/N's shoulder. "Come on, now. You can't possibly expect to perfect it minutes before class. Let's go or we'll be late!"

"You go on", sighed Y/N. "Only a couple more sentences and I'll be there, I swear."

Lily gave her a look of disbelief before rolling her eyes and shrugging her shoulder.

"What's the worst a dead man can even do to you?" Lily stated, giggling and throwing her flaming hair over her shoulder as she sashayed to class.


Fastening her black and red cloak clumsily, Y/N bolted out of Gryffindor's portrait hole, determined to make it to class before Professor Binns took attendance. Her bag hanging loosely in one hand, she started moving at a full sprint, ignoring the curls coming loose from her ponytail, tickling her face. She turned a corner sharply, slowing down slightly to steady herself and catch her breath when she realized she wasn't alone in the corridor. In front of her, James and Sirius stood side by side, leaning casually against a wall opposite the courtyard, practicing the levitation charm on a Slytherin boy's bag. She recognized him as the same boy who had slipped an extra ingredient into Frank Longbottom's Forgetfulness potion, causing it to explode in front of the entire class. If there was one thing to admire about Black and Potter, it was their willingness-albeit misguided- to stand up for others in the face of injustice.

She held her breath, unwilling to draw attention to herself. She could always take a detour but that would result in her being late to another class, making it the fifth time this week. Letting out her breath, she gulped down her apprehension, and ducking her head continued walking forward, hoping the boys would be too busy tormenting their current target to pay her any mind. She had just made it to where the bag dangled in the air, when she heard Sirius chuckle.

"Well, well. If it isn't the famous L/N girl", Sirius drawled, his lips curling into a half smile, characterized by his tongue poking into his cheek. Y/N heard a squeak of protest as James dropped the books he was holding hostage, the Slytherin shooting the pair the nastiest look he could muster before gathering his books and dashing out of the hallway. James turned his attention to the small brunette.

Y/N sighed resignedly, but kept her face impassive, tilting her head to one side, wondering what the boys could possibly do to her in the safety of Hogwarts. Regardless, her hand curled around the wand inside her robe.

"Oh, no. Don't let me stop you, I was just heading to class", she stated casually, unable to keep the sarcasm from her voice.

James's smile matched the mischief in Sirius's as he raised his wand towards her threateningly,

"Wingardium Leviosa! What, you can't even spare your old friend a couple of minutes?", he snarled, watching Y/N's bag climb higher and higher out of her reach.

Y/N hesitated in raising her own wand. After all, she still felt the guilt of her father's actions; the guilt of never reaching out and assuring the Potters she loved and appreciated them just the same. She wondered briefly if James would consider hearing her out.

"What do you want Potter?", she asked, weariness coloring her voice.

"Tell me L/N", he said, spitting out her name, "What lies did you tell the Sorting Hat to get placed in Gryffindor? You're a slimy Slytherin if I ever saw one."

Y/N glanced at the clock in the deserted hallway. She was running out of time and patience.

"For someone so smart, your insults really are quite stupid. You know the Sorting Hat can't be lied to, right?"

Sirius let out a long low whistle, before chuckling.

"Smart mouth you got there. Shall we teach her to control it, James?", he asked, eyeing her bag maliciously, his gaze then travelling to the grand trees in the courtyard.

Y/N stood still contemplating for a second whether it was worth fighting her childhood friend. She took note of the fact that James and Sirius were both lacking bags, making it rather difficult to perform the same charm on them. Within a meager two months of school, the pair had gained quite the reputation as troublemakers. While usually harmless, their pranks had gained fame throughout Hogwarts, starting with the time they charmed the Slytherin quidditch team's brooms to turn a horrid, bright pink color. They looked the part too, James with his bed-head hair sticking out everywhere, his Gryffindor robes laying crooked on his body with the top clasp undone; Sirius with his long hair framing his handsome face, unkempt but still falling effortlessly on his shoulders. His tie was undone, collar popped up and he had put no effort in even pretending his robe was done up. Once again, she couldn't help but admire his features, the way his lips seemed to rest naturally in an amused smirk, or the twinkle of vivacity in his eyes.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at Sirius's comment, knowing that she must either act now, or abandon hope of showing up to class at all. She knew she had it in her to retaliate, to make sure they knew exactly what she was capable of, a small part of her even wanted to, tired of the glares of animosity and snide comments. However, another, louder voice of longing inside her spoke to her, told her there was still time to redeem herself to James. So, she swiftly pulled out her wand, and aimed it at her bag, whispering the spell so softly it sounded merely as if she was exhaling.


James and Sirius watched in confusion as Y/N's bag landed gracefully in her outstretched hand, despite his exaggerated wand motions, flicking it upwards trying to regain control. She walked past the pair, shoulder to shoulder with James before stopping and whispering sadly.

"Maybe I'm not the person you've made me out to be, James", and before he could react, she resumed her path to Professor Binns classroom, knowing she'd inevitably be joined by the two boys soon enough. Y/N felt her heart constrict, wondering if it was silly to hope that she may one day be friends with James again.

Things Worth Dying For  (A Sirius Black x Reader Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें