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"june is busting out all over..."


Anya and Dmitry were married in March. It was a small wedding, considering the fact that neither of them had jobs. It was June, and both were struggling. Nonetheless, the two were happy and in love (though both were too terrified to admit that they were in love). Dmitry, however, was determined to find a job. He would come home some nights worried and stressed out of his mind. Anya would try to find work as well, but she mostly tended to the house. Anya figured she wouldn't be able to work as much as she wished she could, at least for a while. Not a lot of places were desperate enough to hire a woman. Since Dmitry was always gone, there were things that Anya needed to discuss with him, but never could.

Anya and Dmitry lived with Anya's Nana bear the warf. Nana didn't care that they were living with her, since she adored the two. However Dmitry hoped that one day they wouldn't have to depend on Nana. Anya hoped the same thing, but she knew there wasn't much she could do at the moment to help.

Sometimes when Anya could spare a bit of time, she would visit some of the girls from the mill. Lily and Vlad were engaged, so Lily wouldn't have long before she would no longer work at the mill.

The people by her bay were all buzzing about the upcoming clambake. It was a simple get-together that most people that lived near the bay attended. Dmitry always found it a bit tedious, since he wasn't particularly close with a lot of people in the town.


As mentioned earlier, Anya had been needing to tell Dmitry something, but never got the chance. Unfortunately, Anya had grown tired of waiting, and she needed to find him soon. Anya wandered the streets, happily greeting people that she knew. She finally came across Dmitry, as he was crossing towards the bay shore.

"Dmitry!" she called out. He recognized the ever-so familiar voice from behind him, and turned around to see his wife.

"Anya... what are you doing here?" Dmitry queried, as he touched her hands. The two weren't the biggest fans of showing their affections in public. Small touches to the hands and occasional embraces were the closest things they got to showing the world that they were a couple.

Anya took a deep breath. Though she had been meaning to tell him the news for about a week (which felt like ages), she had never figured out how to tell him.

"There's been something that I've been meaning to tell you... I didn't know if you were busy or anything, but here you are, and I figured why not do it now..."

"What is it?" Dmitry asked, sensing Anya's nerves.

"You know how I had that headache the other day?" Anya asked.

"You're not sick, are you?" Dmitry asked.

"No, of course not..." she replied, "In fact it's a very natural occurrence..."

"Yes?" he responded.

"Well, especially when two people live together and..."


"I'm having a baby," Anya said flat out.

Dmitry was stunned to silence. All he could do was stare into Anya's beautiful blue-green eyes. He immediately pulled her into a warm embrace. The two stayed like that for quite a while, until they pulled away. After exchanging goodbyes, Anya walked home, while Dmitry stood there stunned.

IF I LOVED YOU//ANASTASIAWhere stories live. Discover now