"I was kinda wondering the same thing," Benjamin said.

"Oh yes, she just told me about zat! So, remember ze informant from Task Force 141?" she reminded.

"Yeah?" I nodded.

"He was stationed outside ze office of where she was kept in. There was another Technologist guard inside with her. She saw ze chance, so she got ze taser kept in between her legs so, you know, to avoid being searched, and deployed it to him. She made a run for ze door zat turned out to be locked, and ze noise made ze informant to check out what was happening. He switched places with ze tasered guard, and from there, he protected her until we arrived."

"How do you hide a taser in between your legs?" I wondered.

"I know, right?" Benjamin said.

"Oh, her legs are longer than yours are," she pointed out. "Besides, they won't search her all ze way up her whole leg, anyway."

"I don't know, If I was the guard searching her, I'd be touching her all over..." I chuckled.

"Ohh, you did NOT just pull that off!" Benjamin began to giggle.

"Hmph... pervertir!" Colette said, sneering.

"Just kidding, Colette!" I assured.

She giggled. "I know..."

We all fell into a slumber fifteen minutes later.

New Mouse City, Mouse Island
0231 hours (Eastern Standard Time)

We arrived at New Mouse City at the same hour in local time. We already had a plentiful of sleep on the jet, but the jetlag tired us so much that it made us want to get more sleep. Thea and the Thea Sisters got a ride in Ameera, my Porsche Panamera Turbo S to Thea's house where her students would sleep over for the night. Meanwhile, I drove a Porsche Cayman S back to my home.

Geronimo however gave Trap, Benjamin and Pandora a lift, to where they stopped at her aunt Patty Springs' place to drop her off first.

"Hey Pandora, you're home," Benjamin gently tried to wake her up.

Geronimo stopped the car at her front stoop. "Give me five more minutes..." she moaned before snoring some more.

"Pandora, you gotta wake up! You're home!" he attempted again, softly shaking her.

"Why don't you carry me, Benjami-" her words cut off to more snoring.

Benjamin was baffled. "What?"

Geronimo laughed lightly. "Well, you heard her, Benjamin! Carry her up!" He rolled down his window to greet Patty who was outside in her pyjamas. "Hi there, Patty! We're so sorry to come by so late..."

"Oh cheese... Uncle Trap, accompany me?"

"Sure," he agreed.

So he opened the door with Pandora in his arms and clambered off with Trap. "Hi Aunt Patty," he greeted.

"Hi Benjamin! My, my, aren't you so sweet!" she stated.

He smiled shyly. "Yeah... she's really hard to wake up after what we went through in the last several hours..."

With Trap behind him, they went upstairs to her room and Benjamin laid her down on her bed and tucked her in. "Get some rest, Pandora. Tomorrow's gonna be a big day..."

They got back to the car and said goodbye to Patty. Geronimo dropped Trap off to his house, and Geronimo drove to his house with Benjamin since Benjamin was going to crash at his place for the night.

Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-Trouble In France: An Old Enemy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now