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The parking lot was empty by the time they made it to some greasy diner. 

Before getting out of the car Minnie took her purse with her and grabbed the Ziploc bag full of weed. The thing about having a friend who always takes your stuff without permission was that sometimes they would leave their things forgotten in there, and since Geena liked to do recreational marijuana, well.... she thought, why the hell not?

She felt touched by her own gestures, she was saving lives that day.

Even though the original idea was to take some, for whenever the gloomy thoughts came to bite her in the ass.

After all, she was having a bad week, she was having a bad everything, but she didn't need that, she was happy drowning her sorrows with just a glass of wine or a can of beer.

She was a simple girl.

Maybe Geena's stash could serve him right or else that Izzy guy would start vomiting all over her car and her nose was very sensitive to puke.

It was just a matter of time, she knew.

Minnie was the last one getting out of the car, so she guarded the Ziploc again, and removed her sunglasses. 
They were all already walking straight to the diner, the chatty blonde was talking with the brunette with curls, while the redhead helped his mute friend to walk just as if he was carrying a wounded soldier with him.

She closed the door of the car and threw the keys in her purse, she practically kept everything in that thing, it was like some sort of Mary Poppins handbag, and just as she decided to head to the diner she noticed the tall blonde who was waiting for her. 

There he was, standing next to the trash container that stank like hell.



There was an awkward silence between them, no one knew what to say or where to look at, if she looked him right in the eye she might just see something she didn't want to, and as the hours kept passing by she was starting to feel less and less apt to act as a saving grace.

Minnie had no words of encouragement, and the ones she once had were buried under layers of cynicism. 

Duff reached out and touched the girl´s hat, it remained him of something he and his band would use at a gig, it belonged to the glam scene.
The black suede and the big purple flower made it looked expensive, and the best thing was that she kept smelling of vanilla.

He sniffed.

"Sorry," the blonde blushed a little, not knowing exactly why he did that, "I...just... it is a nice hat."

Her big brown eyes looked at him with curiosity, "thanks," she took her hat off pretending to check why it caught his attention.

"And you have a nice smell."


This had to be one of the dorkish moments in her life, thank God she remembered the reason why she had been the last one to get out of the car.

"I wanted to give you this.... for your friend." Minnie handed him the Ziploc bag.

He blinked once and twice taking the plastic bag not knowing what to say.

"I thought that he needed it, since mm, you know..."

"Yeah, thanks." the guy was looking at her in disbelief, "but, you don't want it?"

"What? No! Oh no... I was going to throw that thing away, but your friend, he loo-."

Bad? She bite her tongue.

"I also have more chew gum if you want." She opened her purse showing him the three packages of Wrigley´s inside.

Duff gave her a shy smile and together they walked to the Diner in silence, the sky was dark by now and in the middle of nothingness, both wondered if life was worth it.

In a gentlemanly gesture, he opened the glass door for her and carried her hat also.

As soon as the girl took a look at the place she realized it seemed a little... dirty.

Aside from the four guys already sitting on one of the booths, there was just an old couple eating at the bar quietly, the waitress was painting her nails carelessly and the dusty furniture might as well made her sneeze at any moment.

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