chapter 1

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Chapter edited/ rewritten

Having to leave your friends behind because your parents are desperate to make their relationship "work" and they think moving will help.

Hate to break it to you, but it doesn't. Moving locations does not suddenly make everything okay.

my cheating bastard of a father will pull the same stunts, to him it's just new people to meet so he can cheat on my mother, again.

I wish my mother would stop taking his shit. I wish she realized she can't change him.

I wished a lot of things would change.

It was a quiet morning like usual, we all sat together at the table eating breakfast and nobody dared to say a word.

I stood up from the table, grabbed my school bag and left. Waving to the neighbours and waiting for their daughter, Monica, to come out.

She was the very first friend I made here. It's also important that you remember this.

I hopped into the driver's seat of my car as she quickly got into the passenger's seat.

"Hey, a, you'll never guess what happened."

But I didn't even want to know.

I marched angrily into school, swinging open my locker door aggressively without realizing I hit the person next to me with the door. 

"What the fuck?" The person groaned, and I immediately felt guilty.

"I'm so sorry, I should of been more careful!" Instead of yelling at me he just smiled and gave a little chuckle, still holding his head.

"Rough morning huh?" I felt myself start to smile. "You have no idea."

Oddly enough, the smile never left my face as the day continued on, finally reaching the last period of the day.

I walked to the back of the class, sitting next to Monica as I gave her a small smile, regretting the fact I completely ignored her this morning.

"Hey m, I'm really sorry about this morning, I was just upset." I frowned. She just gave me a small smile and replied, "it's fine."

Was it really fine? I doubt it. I didn't have time to think my daily dose of negative thoughts when the boy from earlier walked into class.

First thing I noticed was how the girls swooned over him.

And how the guys looked away. I wanted to wave him over until I saw him sit in the front next to some random blonde and started flirting with her.

Oh. He's that type of guy. Monica noticed me staring at him and pulled me over to her.

"Why are you staring at him? And if I were you I wouldn't talk to him unless you're interested in being heartbroken." She whispered to me, her eyes showing a flash of hurt as if she had a flashback of something.

I felt myself growing annoyed for no reason, feeling a strong urge to defend him. "Shut up Monica, what do you know? You don't even know the guy-"

"Do you know him? Or his shitty brothers? I don't think so, I've been at this school long enough to get a feel of everyone, you already know the type of person I am, who doesn't listen to gossip or rumours, I get to know people, and the time I spent with them was awful."

I looked at her confused. "What do you mean by them?" She rolled her eyes at me while I frowned.

"His brothers, god, were you even paying attention to anything I said?" She mumbled, letting out a sigh.

"I'm sorry, I guess I just feel bad for him because I kinda hit him with my locker door today," I chuckled, Monica looked at me and snickered.

"Damn really? Wish I could of seen that." We both laughed before it got serious again.

"His name is luke brooks, his two brothers are Jai and Beau brooks, people call them the janoskians, they own a gang, all of them are players except maybe for beau, last time I checked he had a serious girlfriend but I could be wrong."

I nodded my head, processing all this information. We didn't say anything after that.

Monica walked me to my locker. "Do you need a ride home?" I questioned, watching her shake her head.

"Nope, got badminton tryouts today." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Alright, good luck." I called out to her as she walked away.

"Well if it isn't the pretty girl with anger issues." I heard a voice say and turn around to face none other than Luke, rolling my eyes at his words.

"I don't have anger issues." I grumbled, opening my locker. "I was just kidding babe." I felt my cheeks heat at the pet name but quickly shook my head, glaring at him.

"Blondie would not appreciate you calling me babe." I said remembering him flirt with that blonde in class.

"Who?" His puzzled expression changed into a large grin. "Oh you mean aria? Yeah, not my girlfriend more like a friend with benefits type of deal."

I rolled my eyes once more, grabbing my bag and shutting my locker door closed. "Whatever."

"Don't be jealous babe, There's plenty of me to go around." I felt disgusted at his words.

Monica was right, he is a player.

I walked away as I heard him shouting at me. "Hey! Wait! What's your name?"

He smiled, making my stomach do flips. His smile was absolutely stunning.

I shook the thoughts away, spinning around to face him.

"It's Aylin."

And with that, I walked straight out of school, ignoring the mean looks a few girls were giving me.

Luke brooks, I won't let you play me.

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