"Something like that." Zayn had this big smile on his face now, slowly relaxing and becoming comfortable. "Uh, other than draining randoms, not much. Perrie has been keeping me stable." he carelessly shrugged. The raven brought the cigarette to his lips, taking a long drag.

Louis nodded, it clear he was still unapproving of their relationship, but, he said nothing. "That's gr-"

Harry snorted, an amused expression over his child-like features. "I'm surprised she hasn't been drained dry yet."

Zayn snapped his gaze to Harry. "Not all of us like to drain our bloodbags the first week." But even this statement was going to go nowhere. He had kept Perrie alive for over a year now. With no real reason as to why. In truth, Zayn would have killed her off by now. So, sadly, the smug man-child ape thing had a point. Why is she still alive?

Harry chuckled, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Most do, Zayn. Most don't care about the humans...The only thing the humans are good for is sexual gratification, and blood...You keeping that girl alive is a joke to us all."

Zayn kept his face neutral, casually blowing out smoke from a previous drag taken while Harry droned on. "I don't care about her, and sometimes, keeping people alive is a good thing. Besides, how would you feel if your mum's throat was ripped out?" he was being.. 'casual'. Or not. Either way, a sly smirk became onto his lips. "Would you still say that's all humans are good for, cause if so I should race right to Homes Chapel and fuck your mummy."

Harry became quiet now, Zayn had clearly hit a soft spot.

"Exactly, so do me a favor and stay the fuck out of it." Zayn flicked his cigarette down, stomping it out with his boot.

Louis turned back to Harry. "Harold, go inside, I need to speak with Zayn...I'd like to minimize the ammount of mindless interruptions." Louis said, a stern look matching his tone.

Zayn let out a laugh. "Go on, do as daddy says." he had this smirk on his face.

Harry glared at Zayn as he walked inside, making sure to flip him off before he closed the door. The raven continued his laughter, looking to Louis. He even had this boyish smile on his face. "Go on, laugh. It's actually good for our black souls and hearts."

Louis shook his head for a moment, and slowly litte bouts of laughter started to flood from him. "I feel like his father, Jesus." Louis shook his head once more, and became serious again. "Alright, enough picking on Harold...I have a question for you, Zayn."

"If you were his father I'd be sorry for ya." Zayn gave an encouraging smile, even nudged Louis a bit. "Imagine him coming home from scool and calling you daddy and saying he wants pizza for dinner." This had Zayn laughing harder than he would ever truly admit. Imagining Harry in a school uniform, his lips set in a pout and Louis dressed in khakis and a polo shirt waiting for his son at the bus stop. Telling him to not act so odd and maybe the other kids wouldn't pick on him. That entire image just made Zayn lean over and laugh. Maybe too hard.

After several moments, he gathered himself. "Sorry, I just pictured you in like, khaki shorts." he shivered. "What's the question, mate?"

Louis had a horrified look on his pale face, it scrunching into disgust quickly. "Oh dear God!-" Louis covered his eyes, and shook his head. "Annnyway. I was curious as to what you've told Perrie regarding our world." He said, and readjusted himself.

Zayn huffed out a small breath. "Nothing, all I do is feed from her and occasionally--.." he paused for a moment. Maybe occasionally isn't the right word choice. "Okay, most times fuck her. That's it." And soon, those words would become lies. As if they weren't already.

poison & wine // zerrie auWhere stories live. Discover now