Chapter 1| New Neighbors

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There's a moment in everyone's life where they realize they don't know what they'd do without the people around them

Wether it be family or friends,

I don't know what I'd do without my crazy best friend or over protective mom my dad or my brothers even my little sister

Because without them life would mean nothing

From birth till death you learn

When your a baby you learn to say mama dada and crawl

When your a toddler you learn to walk and talk a little

When you start kindergarten you learn your abcs

As you get older you keep learning, learning how to love how to cook how to do so many things

They say age and weight are just numbers

They say love is the most powerful thing on earth

Some people say your perfect just the way you are

And don't change

Yet society judges us

They judge us for our IQ our popularity our amount of money and how our houses look

To me the amount of commas in your bank account doesn't mean anything

It's living life to its fullest

Making memory's with family not sitting in an office from dusk till dawn

The rich look down upon the poor but I don't wanna be rich

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, Some people eager for money have wandered from the faith and pierced them selves with one to many griefs

-1 Timothy 6:10

But hey that's just my opinion don't hate on me because of it

I'm 17 year old Nicole Love I'm 5'6 my favourite colour is teal

I have dark brown hair and mesmerizing blue eyes I have straight pearly teeth

I live in a small town where nothing ever happens but when something does everyone knows

It's already half way through the school year and I just got up

I do my regular routine

I go to the shower and turn it on hot I grab a towel and place it on the sink

Then I quickly grab my white shorts light blue top and my undergarments

I strip and hop in the shower hot water cascading down my back I wash up and hop out turning off the water

I dry myself off and put on my undergarments then I slide on my shorts and top

I grab my phone off my white bedside table and my backpack off my desk

I run downstairs and see my two brothers Alexander aka Alex and and Ashton but Ash for short a long with my baby sister Oakley

Alexander and Ashton are almost 18 they're twins they both inherited brown hair from my mum and my dads brown eyes

My little sister Oakley is 8 months old and has brown hair and brown eyes

Looking down at my watch I run out of the door yelling a quick bye to my family

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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