~How I discovered I was a Wolf Therian/It's affect on me~

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   For me, it was instant. As soon as I heard the term and learned it's meaning I knew what animal I was. I had ALWAYS felt connected with wolves. There was just no question to it. Sure, I loved dragons, big cats, puppies, birds and even rats. But no animal felt nearly as special to me as a wolf.

   When I was young I'd always find myself acting an an animalistic way. I can understand if you doubt that was a start of my believes/connection with wolves because several kids like to act like animals and stuff. For me though, I feel like it brought me closer with my Theriotype today. I had no knowledge of Therianthropy when I was young. All I knew was that I LOVED WOLVES MORE THAN ANYTHING. I felt like I was supposed to be one!

   I don't want you to think that my Theriotype is a wolf just because I think they're cute or anything. That is not my reason for loving wolves. If I was going to pretend to be something just because of how cute it'd be I'd have chosen to be a rabbit or a cat. But that is not what Therianthropy is about. It's not about being cute, lovable or cuddly. It's about being yourself. And to me, this means I am a wolf in soul. 
   When I was young I was active and happy. However over time I grew a bit lost and depressed. I didn't know what to believe in. I was basically raised around Christians so the belief of Christianity pressured me. I didn't feel right under it though. The more it pressured on me the more depressed I got. I grew a bit more in being anti-social because I didn't exactly agree with all of everyone elses beliefs and I didn't want to follow them. No other belief felt right to me and I knew in disagreeing I would be questioned and people would try and convert me. I grew as well, in size over time and that made me more uncomfortable around people.

   When I discovered Therianthropy though, it felt like a weight was lifted. I felt like I was able to believe in myself again because several others felt as lost as I was. As a Therian I can now go out in public with courage bottled and built up over time! I can be myself without shame!

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