harry potter imagine

Start from the beginning

Julia took it into consideration as she started to walk along the way she walked with Luna back got the castle. "Thank you, Luna!" She yelled out before she left from earshot.


As she climbed the stairs to the third floor. She came upon the Fat Lady portrait. "Password?" The Fat Lady asked.

"Lemon drops," Julia said as she climbed inside as it opened.

Upon her arrival inside the Gryffindor common room, she saw someone sitting in the couch, their head in their hands.

As she got closer she saw that the figure was Harry.

"Harry?" Julia called out, to make sure it was truly him.

Harry's head shot up to her direction of the sound of her voice. "Julia." Harry breathed out as he got up from his spot on the couch.

"Julia I'm so sorry! I crossed the line, which was terrible. . .terribly wrong of me to do so. Will you ever forgive me?" Harry asked as he pulled her into a hug once she was in his reach.

She wrapped her arms around him as she felt the warmth radiating off him. "Harry I forgive you. Just don't cross the line like that ever again please." Julia whispered as she held onto him a little tighter.

"Thank Merlin. How will I ever repay you?" Harry said as he pulled away from her slightly.

"Well. . .there is the Yule Ball tomorrow, Julia said as she looked at Harry with a playful smirk.

Catching on, Harry smiles at her as he got onto one knee and took her hands in his. "Julia, will you do the honor of going to the Yule Ball with me?" Harry said as a smile played on his lips.

Julia felt the heat rush up from her neck to her face as she looked down at Harry with a huge smile on her face. "Yes Harry, I'll go to the Yule Ball with you."

Harry got up from the position he was in, hugging her before he picked her up and twirled her around. Julia squealed in happiness as she got twirled around by Harry.

Placing her down gently, Harry kissed her cheek. "I'll see them." He said before he left to the boy's dormitory.

Julia smiled as she walked up to the girl's dormitory to look for a dress.


It was the night of the Yule Ball and Julia was getting ready.

Her white and gray ball gown lay upon her bed as she works on her hair. Straightening her blonde hair she places a gemmed hair clip to the side to keep one part of her hair away from her face.

Applying a nude color smoky eye that compliments her brown eyes, then a semi-skin colored nude lipstick upon her lips.

Once she finished, she gracefully slides on the dress. She takes out her sliver earnings and silver bracelets, putting them on to complete the look.

She slips on her white heels to complete the whole look.

She slips on her white heels to complete the whole look

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Julia walks up to a mirror to look at her reflection. A smile grows on her face as she felt satisfied on the way she looked. 

Taking her favorite perfume, she sprays some on herself before she leaves.

As she walks the stairs down to the common room she sees Hermione standing at the entrance looking nervous.

"Hermione, are you alright?" Julia asks as she places her hand on her shoulder gently.

"Y-yes just a little nervous," Hermione said as she turned around to look at Julia. "Oh, you look absolutely beautiful." She said as she clapped her hand on her mouth as she looks at her gown.

"Thank you 'mione. And of course, you look beautiful as well." Julia compliments her.

"Thank you! Now. . .should we go see our dates?" Hermione said as she held out her arm for Julia.

"And we shall," Julia said as she took Hermione's arm, walking out together to the Great Hall.

Upon walking down the stairs, you looked for Harry, who said he'd wait for you at the entrance.

As you were halfway down the stairs someone gasps in amazement.

"Wow, they're abousletly beautiful." Someone said, which caused everyone's attention to look towards you and Hermione.

Harry who turned around to see who gasped, felt awestruck as his eyes fell upon her.

He quickly made his way to Julia, who finally made the final steps.

Julia sees that Harry is making his way to her. She smiles widely as he was soon next to her.

Harry looks at her up and down, admiring every single feature, that played upon her. To her gorgeous blonde hair to how adorable short she was even when she wears heels.

"You look. . .breath taking." Harry says as he takes her hands and twirls her around.

"Thank you, Harry. And you look very handsome in your dress robes." Julia said as she admired Harry's look.

"Thank you, love," Harry said as he smiled widely and kissed her cheek.

Harry takes his hand out, gesturing for her to take. "Shall we?"

Julia puts her hand in his, feeling a bolt of energy run through her arm as she holds his hand. "We shall." She said with a smile on her face.

As they entered the Great Hall, the champions had to do the Champions' Dance.

Harry guides her to the center of the room, along with the other Champions' as they start to dance.

As they danced Harry and Julia shared laughs and conversations on many things until other students started to join them in their dance.

Harry looked at Julia as she laughed at Draco who had gotten his drink spilled all over him.

As she controlled herself she saw that Harry was looking at with a small smile on his face. Her cheeks turn light pink as she looks back at him.

Before she knew it Hardy leaned in and kissed her. At first, she was in shock, but she kissed him back just as passionate as he was.

Harry pulled away with a smile as he looked at her. "Come with me." He said as he took her and lead her out of the Great Hall.

"Harry what are we doing out here?" Julia asked as she turned confused.

"Julia I've been wanting to tell you this for a while. . ." Harry paused as he collected his thoughts on what to say.

"What is it, Harry?" Julia asked as she placed her hand in his.

"Julia I. . I..t. A lot. Yes I know I said I liked Cho, but I had to say it so no one knew I liked you. I thought everyone would take it as a joke, and as for you. But know that my feelings for you are a hundred percent real and I just. . .ugh what am I saying?" Harry said as he took his free hand and ran it through his hair in a frustrated manner.

Julia couldn't believe it. Harry Potter had admitted his feelings towards her. She felt absolutely at bliss as she continued to look at him.

"Harry, don't stress yourself." She said as she squeezed his hand a little.

"Don't stress me. Julia, I saw the way you looked at me. . .i-i know you don't like me the way I do but-" Harry was cut off by Julia giving him a passionate kiss.

Julia pulled back as she looked at him a smirk. "Does that answer you Potter?"

Harry chuckled lightly as he looked upon Julia. "Julia is mine," Harry said as he pulled her into a hug.

Julia looked up at him as they hugged. "Of course Harry. Of course, I would be your's." Julia said as she placed a kiss on his jaw.

Harry looked down at her with a smile. Placing a passionate kiss on her lips as he held her in his arms.

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