Chapter 15

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He didn't know what was more sickening, the fact that you had broken up with him and it was his fault, or the fact that you were standing in the middle of your favorite coffee shop with a group of guys. You had been there for the past two hours, catching up with a bunch of your close friends along with some girls included, but there was a few more guys than girls. Kuroo had walked in with the thought of sitting down and enjoying some coffee peacefully, but the way the guys looked at you was absolutely unsettling. It made his stomach hurt. What was even worse was the fact that way they were looking at you, you could have been gold or something.

When the door opened you looked up, before your eyes landed on the familiar bed headed male. He had slight bags underneath his eyes and he looked tired, like he hadn't slept for a week. It had been a week since you had last seen him at Akaashi's doorstep. You hated the feeling that came after that. You loved the guy, but he needed to clean up his act, was it that hard?

However, you kept on laughing through all of your discussions, spending time with people you hadn't been able to see much because you were usually with Kuroo. What began to aggravate him was the fact that one of the more attractive guys, who you had gone on a date with before, was cuddling up to you. He was the famous Oikawa Tooru. The pretty boy. The one you had become good friends with. The one you helped make a few girls jealous with. Great. Fantastic.

Kuroo sat there quietly scrolling through his instagram feed, until it made him cringe, seeing Oikawa's recently posted photo with you, the star, in it. You had a huge smile on your face with glistening eyes, it looked as if you hadn't experienced complete emotional turmoil just days ago. You kept a perfect smiling face, appearing as if nothing was wrong. Kuroo silently admired that part about you. He found it exceptionally attractive really, how you could seem so put together, and it made him question if you were really devastated about everything that happened.

He was broken from his thoughts when he saw Oikawa lean to you, sticking his tongue out. He couldn't hear a thing you were talking about besides the obvious fact that you guys were having fun, and being super loud in the middle of the cafe. Kuroo watched as you looked at him and stuck your tongue out, mocking him.

Then, within seconds, everybody was laughing again, it was unknown to Kuroo however, that there was a deck of truth or dare cards sitting on the table. Kuroo watched as Oikawa moved something on the table, a dare card that was hidden from his sight, and then he leaned over, looking at you. You looked at the table again before shrugging, the next move Oikawa made left Kuroo with his jaw hanging.

The brunette male leaned over and placed a lingering kiss on your lips, afterwards everyone you had been sitting with started laughing. OIkawa just had leaned over and kissed you, and you willingly let him! He was astounded and outraged. He felt so conflicted, before he stood up, doing something fairly out of character for him.

Kuroo marched over to the table, then shoved Oikawa backwards, letting his chair tip then crash to the floor. His teammate looked confused as to what was happening, besides the fact that it was terrifying to him. He was acting different, more of a monster than the usual nerd he was. "Tetsurou! What are you doing?" You growled, watching as he held Oikawa on the floor by his shirt collar. He wavered over him, before he raised his fist to punch Oikawa in the face.

Kuroo was never known for being aggressive, he usually liked to talk things out , but this time he didn't even say a word. It was a terrifying side of him.

"Punch him and we'll never speak again." You threatened, your voice strong as he turned his head to study your demeanor. You were serious, more serious than he'd ever seen you before. He let go of Oikawa's shirt wearily, before he asked, "What makes you think you can just kiss her now that we're broken up?" He asked, still standing above the male. "Were you attracted to her when we were dating?" He asked, basically growling.

"It was a dare." Oikawa said, pointing to the cards on the table as everyone turned their attention to the stack of cards hidden behind all the drinks. You watched as Kuroo's scowl fell off his face, revealing a troubled expression. Oikawa then stood up, fixing the chair before beckoning Kuroo to speak with him outside the cafe, he had already drawn an uncomfortable amount of attention to the group.

Kuroo and OIkawa walked outside as you watched, rather disgusted to the fact that he had done such thing, and how aggressive he was was immensely terrifying.

"You need to get your crap together. You lost her, don't flip out when someone else kisses her. I don't know why you let her go, for god's sake you've done it twice. If you really loved her would you have treated her the way you did? You need to think more, because I don't know if she'll come back to you this time. Let me just tell you any other guy will be more than happy to claim her as theirs. You really fucked up, so don't give me a black eye because you can't handle the consequences." Oikawa gave him a cheerful smile before turning and walking back inside.

Kuroo stood there speechless, watching as you looked studied him, before shaking your head with an overwhelmingly disappointed look.

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