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 前書き - introduction
 ママ - mama
パパ - dad
シスター - sister
子猫 - kitten
アイコ - aiko
さようなら - goodbye

                                                     aimi pov

"ママ, may i please go walk around? the sun is out," i point at the door and look at my parents. my パパ looks at my ママ and she frowns. "its quite early. can you wait until noon?"

i pout slightly but agree. my ママ never agreed to let me go anywhere, even though im already 18. you would think they'd let me at least walk our cat, but instead, i must stay inside and help my シスター.

the lifestyle i live in is absolutely ridiculous. my パパ is a big softie and hes extremely overprotective. he doesn't even let me wear skirts. and not only does he make me do all the chores, he takes away my phone if i don't, and my  シスター doesn't have to do anything but look cute. meanwhile, im cute and i am responsible.

then we have my ママ. strict, mean, rude, overprotective, everything you'd want your mother to not be. this woman grabs a ruler when shes made at me and smacks me, so then, when i go to horikoshi high school, the high school i go to, everyone wonders why i have bruises.

my sister just runs around and annoys me, but all siblings do, so thats not exactly shocking.

in my school, people often mistaken me as a cheater, but its not true. i had a boyfriend and he cheated on me first. rumors are rumors, and they aren't true.

my favorite thing in the whole world is my 子猫, asami. her name translates to morning beauty because when she wakes up in the morning, she rubs her paw on my right cheek and her brown hair is fluffed out everywhere. her name should be bedhead.

my best friend アイコ , which means love and affection, always comes over to my house so im not bored. if i were stuck in my house with my family an entire day, i'd never be happy.

that's enough about me. and if you didn't read, all in all, my life pretty much sucks. さようなら!

this was the introduction to lost in japan. im gonna need at least 15+ votes per chapter to be able to update this. if you haven't already, please let me know what'd you like to see, and vote/comment or send me your suggestions. thank you so much for reading this, share this with your friends and have fun reading this. 💕  さようなら!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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