Chapter 23- Untrusted

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W/n- Wyvern's name

*Y/n's P.O.V.*

We just finished building a small place for the Wyvern. I sighed as I led the Wyvern towards the small place.

"Should I name you?" I ask to myself, and The Wyvern looks at me.

"Hmmm, I'll call you W/n!" I smile, and W/n nods. I led W/n into the small place and I close the gate. There were open area's for it to move around. I began to walk back towards the forest. I entered the forest and I watched the little creatures cross the small mud paths.

I followed the path until I saw the village in the distance. I headed in that direction until the same guards that stopped me the first time stood in front of me. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I scoff. One of the guards grab my arms and puts them behind my back.

"Hey! Let me go!" I shout.

"Look, little missy, you've caused a lot of trouble, and now you will pay for it." The other guard says.

"Just wait until Aphmau about this!" I growl.

"And who said she would know about this?" The other one smirks as he puts duck tape over my mouth.

"Where did you get that from!?" I muffle through the tape. The guards evilly laugh and they knock me out with a bat. The last thing I saw was them laughing, and then my vision became black.

*Aphmau's P.O.V.*

I was outside watching everyone build. I look over and I saw two guards carrying someone. I couldn't recognize the person because they were walking through the forest, and I was out in the open on the other side of the trees.

I squint my eyes to see them closer, and I saw a girl with H/c hair. That looks like Y/n a little... But then someone cut me from my thoughts.

"Aphmau! I need your help!" I hear Katelyn say from behind me. I spin around on my heels and I face Katelyn.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Where is Y/n? Winterstar wants to talk to her, and Y/n hasn't been back since this morning!" Katelyn exclaims and I could tell in her eyes that she was panicking. I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Don't worry, we'll find her. Now come on! I think I saw her that way!" I say as I point in the direction of where the guards were heading. Katelyn nods and she starts running in that direction with me right behind her. We jump over I branch and we run in the direction of where the guards were.

One of the guards look over their shoulder and see us.

"They're coming! Run!" One of the guards shout and the other guard starts picking up their pace. Soon enough the guards were running. I growl and I start sprinting at them. Katelyn kept up with me as we ran.

We were now at their tails, and then I recognized Y/n in one of their arms.

"HEY! GIVE HER BACK!" I shout. One of the guards shake their head no.

"Keep running!" One says and the one holding Y/n starts sprinting. I tackle him and he screeches as he drops Y/n. Y/n lands in the mud and it scrapes her skin, making blood slowly ooze out of her. I start punching the guard until he is knocked out.

Katelyn scared the other one away and she goes over to Y/n. We both go onto our knees next to her. Our knees get covered in mud and Katelyn looks at me.

"What should we do? Bring her back? What if the others get suspicious? I mean, yeah, Y/n is a good singer and all, but no one really trusts her except us." Katelyn exclaims.

"Hmmm, we should take her back. We'll just sneak into Winterstar's house. I don't think she would mind, right?" I ask.

"Nah, she yelled at the last person who did that." Katelyn mentions. Then I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I turn my head around to see Winterstar.

"Girls! I... I saw you two running... and... and I decided to follow... because I was... worried." Winterstar panted.

"Well, we saw two guards kidnapping Y/n so we chased them down. And here she is." I say, pointing at Y/n. Winterstar picks up Y/n and starts walking back to Thunderclan territory. Katelyn and I follow her.

We reached the village and Kawaii~Chan runs over to us.

"What happened!?!?" Kawaii~Chan asks worriedly. We exclaimed what happened and she nods.

"And I will take her to my place." Winterstar says and she takes Y/n into her place.

I guess Y/n is now Untrusted...

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