Chapter 2

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[Y/N]'s P.O.V.

I woke up, I was in the same spot and in the same room that I was yesterday. "Shit." I said, outloud.

"Sounds like your awake."

Announced a familiar voice.

I turned my head, it was Shigure.

I was confused on how and why I was here right now. "Well you see Kyo saved you are going to be explaining everything." There was no way around it, but I could just not mention about the Greek zodiac which might work. I was about to speak, but Shigure stopped me. "You are going to tell everything to everyone. Not just me." He said it in a serious tone of voice. It remind me of my father when he was about to hit me, I choked up. I could not say a word, so I only nodded in response. He got up off the floor, "Okay good, oh and by the way breakfast is in five minutes." His tone of voice was like his usualself, Carefree. Shigure walked out the door and someone else came in, it was Kyo. He looked a bit pissed off, maybe more than a bit, more like a lot. I tried to say hello, but I still could not. I was scared of him, not Kyo directly, but just the thought of my father's anger. He started to walk up to me. I was scared shitless. I was not scared of him yesterday since he was kind to me, now all that kindness went out the window.

Kyo kneeled down, I did not move an inch.

" need to explain, I need you to explain. I heard more or less everything that was said that night. I was there from the moment those two guys showed up. I was going to see where you were going since I saw you from the roof top, because I needed to know what you were doing that night." His voice sounded sincere.

"Sorry, but I had to leave. I was afraid of causing a lot more trouble, that I have already done."

My words made some sense,but I guess I was was even more nervous that a bunch of humans were going to learn my secret."But, you made a lot of trouble for me." He sighed. "Come on time to eat." His moods changed in an instant. One second he is angry, the next he was kind, then he was hungry. Kyo got up off the floor, I removed my covers. Held out his had waiting, he waited for me to take it. "I am not getting any younger over here." I let out a giggle, taking his hand we went for the dining room. The table was all set. The food was done and place and everyone was sitting down but me and Kyo. We both sat down next to each other and everyone started to eat the food that was presented. We all silently ate. Tohru was still her happy self, but seemed confused on the entire situation. When we were all done and finished eating something stuck out to me. When Tohru was in the kitchen cleaning up, so I was going to help her but I was told to stay put. "Now [Y/N] can you please tell us the reason why you were going to be kidnapped." Shigure told me.

"How do I put this, Shigure and Kyo do you remember when I told you about my family?" They both nodded. "It seems like my father might want me to come home."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Asked Yuki.

"Not for me." I told them. "You see I did not mention this little detail. If there is a heir, someone can challenge them to be the leader, but when I ran away that opened a way for my cousins to be the heir. The only problem is that I am still alive and can technically still be the heir."

"This...makes no damn sense." Kyo said.

"I don't blame you, but in rare cases there are loopholes."

"Okay, but why did you run away in the first place?"Shigure asked.

"When my mother left me and my father, he changed. He went from a kind and noble man into a mad alcoholic. He has hated me ever since that day, I have been told that I look a lot like my mother, I guess every time he saw me, he saw her. Every single time he got drunk it made the situation ten times worse. I tried to run away once before when I fourteen, but I was caught and was beaten with everything my father could get his hands on. That time since then, I could never leave the house, with me running away could cause some sort of war. My cousins hate me, because a girl was the heir to the family fortune. After I turned seventeen I ran away once again and did not get caught. I only brought with me my clothes and my other necessities like money. I ran as far away from that house of hell, and eventually it started to rain, but I never stopped. I got myself a taxi and made him drive the farthest away from that place, as I was getting out of the taxi , it was no longer raining. I had to look for somewhere I could stay but I took a short walk in the woods, then it turned into a very long walk, tripping on a rock I fell down. The rain started to pour down on me, I could not get up due to being hungry and cold. I heard a sound, it was very high pitched, it felt like my ears were bleeding for hearing the sound,. There I passed out, and then I guess you guys found me. Right now I am sure that I should be going." I tried to get up but my legs felt heavy, I stopped, for some strange reason my head also started to feel dizzy. I touched my head with my hand. "It seems that it has caught up to me...." I told them before I passed out.

Kyo's P.O.V.

After she told us all of that I was amazed. Her life was like a sad soap opera that has never been done before. Her family was...horrible. No wonder why she did not want to go back home, but that also means that her cousins know where to find her. That is why she wants to leave, she does not want to create any trouble. To bad it is already too late for that. "It seems that it has caught up to me...." She fell down, I caught her just in time, I held her bridal style, taking her to her room. "It seems she was very stressed and once that stressed was released she got a fever, not to mention she was out in the rain a few nights ago." The rat said.

"What happened to [Y/N]-Chan?" Asked Tohru.

"She came down with a flu, but do not worry she will get better. Now just go to school." Shigure said. Tohru only nodded as her response.

Shigure walked closer to me, whispering in my ear. "I need to talk about [Y/N] so I will allow you to stay home from school." I gave a smirk.

"And here I thought you knew I was going to play hooke today."

"I did, so this is better option not to mention I will be needing something."

"Fine." I said. I got dressed in my black shirt and green cargo pants. Tohru and the rat left before I came down. "Now what did you want to speak with me Shigure?" I asked him.

"Well there is something that I want you to see. Tohru found this on [Y/N] when she was changing her earlier." Shigure pulled up [Y/N]'s sleeve on her left arm, and there was a symbol, it was the color red. It did not look like a tattoo, but it could pass off as one. "What is it?" I asked him.

"It is apart of the greek zodiac, and this is the symbol Aries, it seems that she was only saying a part truth."

"What do you mean?"

"[Y/N] could be from the Greek zodiac clan."


"There is a reason why she was being kidnapped by her so called cousins."


"They wanted to either one: kill her and their be no heir or two: bring her back to her father and make her fight to keep her life and win to being the heir. Where the first one seems to be the most likely."

"But what if she is not apart of the Greek zodiac?" I asked.

"Then, her family is just messed up." He said smiling. I let out a sigh. "Now go get some medicine and a cold rag." Shigure ordered me.

"Yes, yes." I responded. 'But I guess that it would make sense if [Y/N] was apart of the Greek Zodiac, but that would be ridiculous. On second thought why did I not see the symbol on her left arm before? she was wearing a t-shirt, so it would have been easy to see it.' I did not have an answer to anything, everything was moving so fast, it would move onto something else before I could count to the number five. I grabbed the medication and cold rag, when I came back I put the rag on [Y/N], checking her arm again there was still the Aries symbol.

"Looks like I will have to check later.I put [Y/N]'s arm down and was going to walk up and go into another room. Suddenly my arm was grabbed, it was [Y/N]. "Please do not leave me, mother." She said in pain.

I was surprise at what had happened, but since she asked me to stay. It was the only right thing to do, so I stayed by her side. I could only guess how much pain and loneliness she has been going through her life, I know I do. I wish that I could have done more, but there was nothing else I could do. "I wish you would stop with trying to run away from your problems and tell us everything that is going on, but i get it. You just met us and you don't even know if we are trustworthy or not." It was strange holding [Y/N]'s hand. She felt warm, but there was something else. Something that I could not describe. "I guess that, Shigure and I will have to keep your secret for you." I said as I started to take my long await sleep, after all I could not go to sleep last night, waiting for her to tell what was going on.

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