Madam Han goes out to visit Madam Jung on purpose, like she’s just asking for trouble. These two only ever go in circles making threats and throwing fits, with no real progress.

Tan comes by the broadcast club to visit Hyo-shin, who greets him warmly (well, as warmly as anybody does in this icebox of a school). Bo-na walks in and despite Tan’s harmless and nice greeting, she runs off alarmed, convinced he’s looking for Chan-young to fight him because he’s still not over her. HAHAHA. I love her.

Myung-soo stops Eun-sang in the hallway to ask her what she is, explaining that when someone just shows up out of nowhere it means she’s either a charity case or nouveau riche. So which is she?

Eun-sang looks over at Bo-na, who doesn’t offer any help and tells her to answer it herself. She doesn’t, but it leaves everyone rather curious—who is she that on her first day she knows Tan, Young-do, Bo-na, Chan-young, and Rachel?

Tan walks up calling her “overnight riches,” which Myung-soo takes at face value. Tan wants to chat, but Eun-sang snubs him squarely and turns the other way.

She walks outside, where Young-do is lying in wait and sticks his foot out to trip her, just to save her with a hand-grab. Wow, is everything you do that double-sided? Oh wait, yes it is. He says he’s going to trip her often, and asks her again what her relationship to Tan is.

She points out that if he’s so interested in Tan he should go to the source, and Young-do wonders why she isn’t more afraid of him. Young-do: “Oh, I forgot to introduce you. You’re mine.”

He hardly means it in the romantic sense, though he totally enjoys letting her think that for a frightening two seconds, before explaining that the other kids call it a shuttle (as in, a lackey to go fetch things).

He continues with his characteristic faux-romance speak: “Now that you know my feelings, what is your relationship to Tan?” But Tan walks up to say he should ask him directly, and sighs at Eun-sang for running away when he wanted to talk.

He gives her an out which she gladly takes, and Young-do glowers at Tan for ruining his chance to make friends with the transfer student. Tan: “Having no friends suits you better. You’re going to throw them away in an instant, so why bother making any?” Buuurn.

Tan finally gets a chance to talk to Eun-sang, and promises he wasn’t trying to hide the truth from her. She points out that it doesn’t matter, because she feels exposed regardless. His response just kills me: “Did you… cry?”

She changes the subject and asks why he turned her into an overnight millionaire, worried that living a lie is just going to make things harder. He tells her that sticking by his side will quell any doubt on that matter, and tells her to stay close, and avoid Young-do.

But Eun-sang says she’s interested in having a regular school life, and she’s already figured out that the person she ought to avoid isn’t Young-do. So far all the unwanted attention she’s receiving is because of Tan, and she asks him to pretend they don’t know each other.

Tan calls Chan-young to meet, and warns him not to tell anyone about Eun-sang living at his house as the daughter of his family’s maid. Chan-young scoffs that he’s asking Eun-sang’s best friend to keep his mouth shut as if it even needs to be said, but Tan points out (perhaps from experience?) that often the oldest friends can end up bringing you down because they know too much.

The best part is that Bo-na arrives, sees the two boys talking, and immediately gets on her phone and whirls around like she didn’t just see them together. Tan says it seems like Bo-na’s still into him, and Chan-young wonders why anyone would have lingering feelings over a rundown car (literally “poop car”). Tan: “Poop car?” Their playful rivalry is cute.

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