Song 19: My Kitty Cat

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(This song is if I dont find my kitty..)

I remember when I first took her in.

After my mom threw her out because she did bad stuff in grandpas house.

She was just a kitten.

I taught to walk home with me from the lake.

But if she gets tired I carry her instead.

She loves to play at the lake thats why I take her their carrying her on my shoulder.

She bites like a tiger but her cute little face hides it

Yes, its cute...

This was suppose to be a babys and my sisters cat but some how im carrying for it instead.. and now... I lost her...

but.. after two hours later i had left the door open she hopped onto the couch where i was laying on wattpad.

and I picked her up and gave her huggles and kisses

oh how happy i was.

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