Ch8- Consequences

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(A/N: I'm back guys! I'm alive!!! I hope you enjoy the chapter!! 😆😁 Guess who's that?)

3rd POV

On the bed, inside of a white but dim room, a handsome but fair youth lies unconscious. He was wheezing, barely breathing, large beads of sweat are continuously dripping down from his handsome face.

His face was frowning. He had no cut or injury on his body but Just by looking at it, anyone can tell that he was hurt and silently enduring the pain of despair and torture!

If it wasn’t for his barriers he would’ve died on the spot, but it doesn’t mean he’s already safe. Because the damage was inflicted on his soul and if it wasn’t healed in a short period of time he will die.

Fortunately in this room, anyone or anything that enters can have their time controlled to it’s future or even freeze its present time maintaining their original condition.

But even though it can move or stop the time of an object, it can never move back it’s time to the past, moving back the time is forbidden for it has a high risk.

When someone tries to move back the time, if it concerns life and death, the heaven’s rules will forbid it.

It’s not like it can’t move back the time, it’s just that the consequences are too baneful.

For example someone wants so revive a dead person or recover their condition suffering from an incurable disease or non-healing wound.

In exchange of turning back the time they needed to meet the compensation base on how serious the situation is. Sometimes the compensation might be magical items, large amount of Mana, mythical beast material or in worse case scenario they needed to sacrifice the person’s future or even someone’s life.

Outside the room, Nigel and their parents was watching Leo from the crystal window enforced with special magic. They felt distressed and doleful seeing Leo in this state. But, more than anyone, Nigel was the most affected by this.

Because of him, Leo was suffering.
Because of him, Leo is in despair.
Because of him, Leo is hurt.
Because of him, Leo got injured.

It’s all because of him! He was weak! If he wasn’t so weak! Leo wouldn’t need to protect him! Leo wasn’t the one that is supposed to be lying there! But because he is weak, because he was a helpless fool! Leo got…

Nigel clenched his fist as he thought of this.

Their parents saw this and sighed. His father approached him and slapped his back. Nigel who was lost in his thought was startled.

Turning his head to see who smacked him although he knew that it was his father, he expected their parents’ eyes filled with fury, blaming him.

But contradicting his thoughts, what he saw in his father’s eyes was resoluteness and seriousness. It was deep as if telling him that everything will be alright.

“Nigel… I know that you are blaming yourself, thinking that if it wasn’t for you Leo will still be okay… But do you think thinking like that will save your brother?” He inquired

“No…” Nigel bowed his head and a line of tear traced his cheek.


“NIGEL!!” His father yelled and Nigel jolted.

“You are not weak! You're our son!, Leo’s brother! You were never weak! We are Gods! We are not mortals! We guide them, but we are never one of them! We have our ways! Think Nigel! What do you think should we do!?” He asked his son seriously.

“But… This… Concerns life…” Nigel meekly replied.

“So? Again Nigel We.Are.Not.Mortals! Who do you think we are!?” He proudly puffing his chest said.

“You guys are… The… Rulers of heaven…?” Nigel questioningly answered.

They(parents) smiled.

“And you?” His mother cut in.

“One of your sons?” Nigel was slowly brightening.

(A/N: wait I’ll change their dialogues)

Mother: “And what can we do?”

Nigel: “Miracles!”

Mother: “Mm!” She nodded in affirmation “It’s good that you know!”

Nigel: “So? How are we going to save him!?” He asked with his eyes shining brightly.

His parents looked at each other and faced Nigel with seriousness not laughing like before.

Father: “Nigel do you know the spell ψυχική ανάσταση(psychikí anástasi / soul resurrection)

(A/N: I love you Google translate)

Nigel: “No?” Even though he doesn’t know what the spell is, he got a hint because of it’s name.

Father: “ψυχική ανάσταση or soul resurrection is a spell that restores and mends the soul. Although there's a possibility of failure it still might save your brother.”

Nigel: “What!? Then what are we waiting for? Let’s invoke it now!” Nigel was bright finding a way to save his brother.

Father: “But!…”

Nigel: “But what?” He was suddenly puzzled.

Father: “Only the One True God can cast it”

(A/N: I’m also a fan of No Game No Life. May the credits of creating that title be theirs)

Nigel: “What!? that One True God, Axis!? the one who created gods!? Will he who was the origin of us, Gods, and the highest of all even help us!? No wait how do we even ask him!?”

Mother: “Actually there’s a way for us to see him”

Nigel & Father: “Huh!? There is!?”

Nigel: “Dad why are you surprised too!?”

Father: “No… Well… I also don’t know…”

Mother: “Of course you don’t know because only me, the Goddess of Life, knew”

The chief of gods, who's the highest God that was personally created by Axis, and Nigel stared blankly.

Nigel & Father: “…囧…”


Guys it’s been a long time since I updated I was really in slump last month and I was lazy.

No well actually it’s because the first draft that I did was to dramatic and it kills my spirit so I rewrote it.

In 2-3 chaps including this we will go back to reality so please hold on.

Leo’s story is just starting!

That’s it for today I’ll post the next part/chapter in the next 2-3 days.

Thank you for the votes and reads! Thank you for reading 😆!!!

By the way what would you guys like?




Just comment in those texts so I can finalize the decision, although it seems to be in favor of bl based on the comments before. Well I like both so I'll see the results.

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