i don't want be your friend

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you always know what to say
when i feel down about myself
you make me laugh
and never frown

i wouldn't trade you for anything
and you know it

but you don't know it all
how i really feel
most of the time

i can't think of anything better
than being with you

i get this feeling when you're near me
my heart beat races when we're close
i look away when you stare longer than you should

but you don't see what i do

it's more
that's all i want from you
is it too much to ask
if so, i'll leave you alone

friends is not the word
i want us to be described as

i'll let these feelings get to my head
and you'll be there to tell me
it's never going to happen

heart break, heart ache
and now friends is not what we are described as

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