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Hey guys! So, this is a dream I had a few nights ago and I came to the conclusion that if I don't post it soon, it will continue to fill my every waking moment. Enjoy!

I had just woken up after falling asleep on the couch because Lydia had forced us watch The Notebook again.

“Why’s it so dark?”

The entire room was in darkness, save for the moonlight streaming in through the window.

“The power’s out.” I heard Stiles’ voice from the left of the room

“And no one thought to look for candles?”

“It’s too much effort.” Isaac whined from next to me.

“Lazy buggers.” I mumbled under my breath.

“A little tip,” Scott said from where I’m guessing was the kitchen doorway. “Don’t whisper insults in a room with 2 werewolves.”

“What? You know it’s true.”

The lights flickered, bathing the room in dim lighting.

“Finally.” Lydia jumped up from the couch. “My phone’s battery was about to die.” She skipped off to the kitchen to charge it.

Isaac stood up and headed to the kitchen as well.

Suddenly he collapsed and began to jerk spastically on the ground. I ran, kneeled by his side and cradled his head in my hands.

“Isaac!” I tried to calm him down but I could see rage flowing through his eyes as they began to turn bright amber. His fangs elongated as a growl vibrated from his lips. “Isaac, calm down.” I tried to say in a soothing voice but he kept growling.

His eyes locked on mine as he lifted his left hand and dragged his claws over my collar bone. I bit back the scream from the immense pain emanating from my shoulder.

“Isaac!” Scott yelled when he saw the blood coating my shirt.

Isaac seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in a stared up at Scott.

I untangled my fingers from his hair and lowered his head to the ground before slipping my hand out from underneath it.

Isaac passed out so Scott carried him to his bedroom.

“Are you okay?” Stiles kneeled next to me and lightly swept my hair away from the wound. “Stupid question.” He mumbled once he got a good look at it.

“I’m fine.” I barely felt the pain anymore, my mind was so clouded with thoughts that pain wasn’t anywhere near. I was so worried about Isaac and what caused it.

“You’re not fine.” Scott walked in to the room, “We need to get you to the hospital.”

Stiles jumped up to grab the keys to his Jeep.


Hours later I was patched up and back in the living room.

Isaac strolled into the room, sleepily rubbing his eyes.

“What happened?” He asked. Have I mentioned how incredibly sexy his sleepy voice is? Well, I should start mentioning it more often.

“Nothing much.” I shrugged the not slashed shoulder as he dropped next to me on the couch.

“Why does my head hurt?”

“You must’ve bumped it.”

“What happened to you?”

I sighed and looked down at my knotted fingers in my lap. “It was an accident.”

“What-?” He halted as he looked down at his own partially blood-smeared hand.

I could hear the wheels spinning in his head; trying to put 2 and 2 together.

He gasped. “Oh God.” He whispered. “I did that?”

“Yeah.” I whispered.

“What happened? Why don’t I remember?” He began to panic and his breathing became erratic.

“I don’t know why it happened, and if I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought it was a full moon tonight.”

“I remember hearing you.” His eyebrows furrowed. “You took care of me.”

He looked up into my eyes.

“Who else would’ve done it?” A nervous giggle escaped my lips. Why do his eyes have to be gorgeous? It’s unnerving.

“Thank you.”

“No problem.” I smiled.

“I still can’t believe I hurt you.”

“Rather me than an innocent person out on the street.”

He frowned at me.

“I held you down.” A soft chuckle escaped. “Apparently, you don’t like that.”

“I guess not.” His lips turned up in what resembled a smile. “So, how bad is it?”

He nodded to my bandaged shoulder.

“A few stitches. It’s actually not that painful after I swallowed a fistful of painkillers.”

He chuckled lowly.

“I really am sorry.” He turned his body toward me and gazed deep into my eyes.

“The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you.”

The sincerity was clear in his voice as well as his eyes. I was too enraptured by his eyes to notice that they were getting in closer proximity to mine.

My head was buzzing with anticipation, and I was positively freaking out.

Isaac Lahey, the guy I have been crushing on since junior year, is about to willingly lay his lips upon mine.

He lightly brushed them against mine. When I didn’t pull away he crushed them back to mine with so much passion I momentarily forgot my name.

His lungs might have been able to handle the lack of oxygen being inhaled, but unfortunately I wasn’t a werewolf, therefore I needed to breathe right now.

I reluctantly pulled my lips from his and rested my forehead against his.

I tried to slow the jackhammer beat of my heart, which proved to be almost impossible.

“Whoa.” I whispered huskily. I could not stop staring at his lips.

“Yeah. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that.” He whispered.

My eyes immediately flickered up to his, “Really?”

"Yeah since the first time I saw you."

I frowned, "We've had every class together since freshman year."


I smiled and pressed my lips to his again. I slipped my arms around his neck while his hands gripped my waist.

"Hey Rian- whoa!" Stiles yelled as he walked into the room.

Isaac and I jumped apart from each other.

"So I take it you're feeling better." Stiles said scratching the back of his neck.

"You could say that." I smiled as Isaac and I looked at each other.

So, I may or may not post more of these at a later stage, but for now here's my Teen Wolf dream.

-SimplyStephanie <3

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