Chapter 2

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After hanging up on Leah, you dialed your mom's work number. She'd be worried if she got off and you weren't at the house- if there even was a house after whatever was chasing you got here.
The phone rang two times before she picked up. "Hello?"
"Hey, mom," you said, trying to keep the raw panic out of your voice.
"Oh, hey sweetie. What's up?"
"I'm uh.. gonna head to the library now. I won't be here when you get back."
"Ok hun. How come? Homework?" You could hear people in the background, which meant she was probably at lunch.
"Yeah, homework. I have to pick up a book so I can so some research." You grabbed your backpack and slung it over your shoulder, heading for the front door.
"Ok then. What's the homework about? Maybe I could help you out."
You were at the door now, slipping on your shoes. "Uh- ancient history. Greek gods." You cleared your throat. "Anyway, I'm gonna go now. I wanna get there before they turn off the computers."
"Well alright. Talk to you later, honey. Love you. Don't forget to lock the doors."
"Love you too, mom. I won't. Bye now."
You waited for her to say bye and then you hung up. It hurt you to lie to her like that, but you can't exactly tell her the truth of the situation. Well, mom, I'll see you later. I'm gonna go catch a bus across multiple states where I'll be joining a magical summer camp in New York. Sure. Not only would she not be okay with that at all, but she'd probably send you away to an insane asylum. With the whole huge-monsters-trying-to-kill-me situation, you don't have time for insanity.
You left the house, reaching the sidewalk before turning back to look at your home. You didn't know how long it would be before you saw it again- hell, you weren't even sure that you would see it again.
"Goodbye, bricks. Goodbye, cable dish. Goodbye wi-fi.." You muttered, turning to the road again.
You headed in the direction of the local bus stop- it would be really painful if you walked all the way from where you lived in Virginia all the way to New York. And the immortal being chasing you wasn't going to help the experience.
Another crack sounded in the distance, followed by an even louder boom. It didn't sound nearly as distant as it used to. It seemed three miles away, tops.
It was getting closer now. That terrified you. And you didn't even know what it was. All you knew was that it was after you, and it wasn't going to stop. That was a problem.
You knew that you were the kid of some old god, but you didn't know who. You knew something was chasing you, but you didn't know what. It was annoying. You hated being left in the dark about crucial details.

~ ~ ~

There were three other people at the bus stop when you got there. A guy, his son, and an old woman. She kind of reminded you of your grandma.
The man moved over to give you room to sit. You were stationed right in between him and the old lady. It was sort of cramped and awkward, but hey, it beats sitting on the ground.
When the bus pulled into the stop a few people got off and the four of you stepped on. You were last in line, and it was already crowded, so there was only one vacant seat for you- the one next to the lady from before. You didn't feel like standing the entire time so you sat with her.
The bus you were on right now went to the big bus station, where it would fuel up and then head back along it's route. If you got off at the station, you could find a bus heading north and take it to the next station, and onward like that until you got to New York.
Over the rumble of the bus engine you heard it start to rain. A few people near the back of the bus started up a conversation about the strange weather patterns and weird noises happening as of late in Virginia. You only caught a bit of their conversation, but it was evident that they didn't really know what was going on.
"...weird lights, like lightning. But there hasn't been any rain 'til now?"
"Yeah, and the noises- like something huge was breaking. What'd'ya think it is?"
"Dunno, man, but it's freaking my wife out. Thinks we should move, get out of here..."
You stopped listening. You knew you were partly the cause of the storms, and you knew you were the reason those people were scared. You sank lower into your seat. If I can just make it to New York, I could find the camp. I could call (m/n) and Leah, and tell them why I won't be home. Just make it to the camp...
"You alright, dearie?" Someone spoke up besides you. It was the woman seated next to you, the one from the bus stop.
You jumped a bit. "Oh- yeah. Yeah, im fine. Just a bit drowsy, is all."
She smiled, and she seemed to be missing teeth. "Well, I can understand that. I've been on the bus for hours now. I'm visiting my daughter. She's up north, in New Hampshire. I would've gotten a plane, but I've got a fear of heights." Her voice was high and light, with a bit of a southern accent to it.
You smiled back at her. "I'm on my way for a visit, too," you lied, but you wanted to make conversation. "My grandma, up in New York." That part wasn't a lie- you did have a grandma in New York. But you definitely weren't going to bring her into this mess.
"That's mighty sweet of you."
You smiled politely, then turned back to face the front. You watched the rain-soaked landscape glide past as you wondered what in the world you were doing.

~ ~ ~

The bus docked at the station and let everyone file out. It didn't take you long to locate a map, and then you weren't through the agonizing process of finding buses with routes you needed to be on and buying your tickets. You had brought what little money you had been saving up. You know, in case I see a t-shirt I want while I'm running for my life! You scoffed at the thought.
You found your next bus and boarded. It wasnt as crowded as the last one, so you got a window seat all to yourself. You settled up against the glass of the window, watching the rain. You felt someone take the seat next to yours and looked over.
It was the lady from the last bus, but she had donned a large teal sun hat. It matched her flower-printed blouse. You exchanged polite greetings then turned back to your window of solitude.
Eventually the rain lulled you into a doze, and you nodded off against the glass pane.
You were awoken by the lady speaking to you.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" You asked, sitting up and blinking.
"I was just talking about what a shame it is that you won't be getting there after all." She replied, looking at you innocently.
"Huh-? Getting where?" Your mind was still muddled from your mini-nap.
"To your grandmother's house, dear. You won't be visiting her. Not today. Not ever, I'm afraid." She smiled at you.
You still didn't quite understand, so you tilted your head questioningly. "What? How come?"
She laughed at that. "Why? Well, it's obvious, isn't it?"
She paused, and her face seemed to change in front of your eyes. She morphed into a strange, grey skinned version of herself before changing back. You blinked.
"You won't be getting there because I'm going to kill you~!"

Okay, that's a lot of words. Wow. 1338. I figured the story was moving too slow, so why not add a death threat? Ha! Anyway, be sure to leave a comment or suggestion~ Always appreciated.

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