"Copy that, but I- "

"I understand Captain, do what you need to, but get that scepter" Thor ordered. Steve nodded. They turned to see Hydra agents forming into two lines, heading straight for them. "It's like they're lining up"

"Well, they're excited" Steve held up his shield and Thor slammed his hammer onto it. The blast blew the Hydra men to the ground.

"Find the scepter!" Thor exclaimed before flying off.

"And for gosh sake, watch your language!"

Steve sighed in annoyance, "That's not going away anytime soon."

Steve climbed into one of the Jeeps that hadn't been destroyed and drove to the compound. Upon arriving he took down anyone who tried to stop him.

"Cap, I'm inside and I'm downloading their files as we speak"

"We're all locked down out here"

"Then get Banner. Time for a lullaby" Cap ordered before heading further in. He kicked down a Hydra agent and stepped into the stairwell. Coming face to face with just the man he was looking for. "Barren Strucker. Hydra's number one thug."

"Technically, I'm a thug for Shield"

"Well, then technically, your unemployed" Steve shot back as the two men circled each other. "Where's Loki's scepter?"

"Don't worry, I know I'm beaten. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope"

"I'll put it right under 'Illegal human experimentation'. How many are there?" A wave of red blinded Steve, something shoved him down the stairs. He raced back up the stairs, catching a glimpse of the girl as she slammed the doors shut. "We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage."

"You'll have to be faster than- "The impact of a shield to his face knocked Strucker flat on his back. He was out cold.

"Guys, I got Strucker"

"Yeah, I got something, bigger" came Tony's reply.

Steve knew Tony could handle whatever he had found. He tied Strucker up and made his way through the compound, checking every room along the way. Steve made it to the lower levels, where there was lab equipment and operating tables.

"What were they doing to these people?" Steve muttered to himself, not really wanting to know the answer. Steve came to a room where the keycard he had stolen from a guard wouldn't open it. Steve reached into his pocket and took out the card he'd taken from Strucker. "Thought this might come in handy."

He swiped the card and the door slid open. It was dark, no light. Steve ran his hand along the wall till he felt a switch. He flipped it. Lights flickered on and a machine started running. A contained sat in the back of the room, a window on the front. Steve walked over. He couldn't see what was inside so he took out a small flashlight and shine it in. Steve gasped and dropped the light. He stumbled back, not believing what he saw. After a year of looking, was this is it? Was this the moment he had been dreaming of for so long? Well, it most certainly wasn't going as he'd hoped. Steve pulled himself together and picked up the flashlight. He had to look again, just be sure. Steve shined the light through the window.

It was Jo.

Steve didn't leave her side. Not even when Tony carried her onto the jet. They made sure she was alive and getting oxygen, but decided it was for the best to not wake her till they were back at the tower and Tony could run a few more tests.

"You alright?"

"I don't know" Steve answered honestly, looking down at the container that held his daughter. Natasha stood beside him.

Daughter of the ShieldWhere stories live. Discover now