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Newearth, a world believed to possess magic and sorcery, a place where beasts and humans lived together harmoniously.

Newearth is divided into two major lands.

The southern part where green fields and bounty fresh harvest could be gallantly seen is called as Sentinel, where prosperity and progress is vivid. Houses are enormous and are decorated with colorful hues enticing to one’s eye. People depended on magic to cultivate the land, chop woods and do daily activities as their means of production.

The sun always greets them with its mouth reaching its ears and giving them the light they need to survive. The trees and plants are blossoming anytime of the year and animals are easily hunted near.

On the other hand, the northern horizons are called as the Scourge where devastation and affliction roams and Sentinel supports them through necessities needed to be met. Plants are withered and huts were as dull as it seems. They solely use man power and body magic supports to empower them and perform to utmost diligence.

The sun seldom shines and the moon lights the total darkness. Searching for food was difficult that clearly states their body built.

These are the only places possibly inhabited by humans, and creatures called as creeps wandered nearby. All helped their cause and exchanged goods necessary for co-existence of both communities.

Both sides have their own Spring of Fortification, where their potable water came for life sustenance. No one can say when these springs came, but it is sure that it’s way beyond history.

But a day lived to change one’s destiny, the day when one can slay Roshan, a mythical creature believed to have been seen around the forest living deep inside the Wedgemore woods, where people had been aloof. Several people have tried to extinguish him but none had been successful.

All want to possess the Aegis of the Immortality safeguarded by Roshan who can put anyone to a life of eternity. Death cannot be met and the power of ruling reserves you a seat.

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