Chapter 1

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Selena's POV                                                                                                                                                                   "I can not wait to go see Justin! I said to myself  while i was packing my suit case. I was going to visit Justin at his house in Canada this weekend, boy was i excited! Evan though I broke up with Justin a couple months ago and we've been off and on since last year, I think that Justin has finally changed though. Before I Knew it, i was already ready to go to the airport! Although it was only 10:00AM and my plane didn't take of until 2:00PM..........                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 So i just decided to lay on my couch until noon, next i would go get something to eat probably at a restaurant, And than make my way to the airport.

As I was lying on the couch, I was thinking of how to tell my parents that me and Justin are back together again. I know that my parents HATES him, But I love him! Shouldn't they understand that? Sure he's done some bad things before But every one makes mistakes! Why couldn't they just let me be?!? Why can't they just be supportive for me and Justin!?!? Why are they trying to ruin my life?!?!?!?!?!? For heavens sake's I'm 21!!!!!!! I'm an adult!!!!!!!! I can make my own decisions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Uhm mam are you Okay?" I heard a low voice in front of me. I looked up and saw a well rounded guy with a jump suit on, and he had sut all over his face and his cloths! Crap I forgot I asked the plummer company to send a guy over to fix a couple pips that were leaking!

"Oh sorry I forgot you were coming over today!" I yelled accidentally feeling abet embarrassed. Thank fully the guy was nice and told me what was wrong with the pips. He was just about to leave and got in his car, But suddenly he open his car door and stood up and waved at me saying "Hey mam I  think you should tell your parents right away before they here it from some one elts! They would probably still be mad at you, but a least you told them the truth!" Then he got back in to his car and drove a way. OMG How did he know?!?!? Then it hit me, just a little bit ago when I was on the couch thinking the guy said "Uhm mam are you okay?" Ohno I must have been screaming the whole time! I felt evan more embarrassed this time, But decided to just shrug it off and look at the clock. it was only 11:11! I was feeling tired and decided to take a little nap on the couch.

While I was resting I thought about what the man just said a few minutes ago. He's probably right I would rather tell the truth to my parents than them finding out about it on the media! Although I don't want to face my parents! There going to be mad at me even if I told them or not! If they did fined out about me and Justin on the news at least I would be miles away from them so i don't have to face them lecturing me. I made my decision I was not going to tell them. I just thought that would be much more peaceful than going ahead and telling them, and then getting in to a fight!

I opened my eyes having a nice little nap. I stretched and looked over at the clock. Oh crap its 1:44! No I'm going to be late! I jumped up got my suit case and ran to the car! As I got in my car seat my stomach started growling. Well guess I could stop by McDonald's on the way. I looked at the clock in my car. OMG its 1:47! I forgot about the time! I pulled out of my drive way and started driving to the airport. On the way my stomach growled again! "No Selena we cant eat now!" I yelled to myself! Luckily the airport was only 10 mins away. When I got to the airport I looked at the clock again saying its 1:58! I jump out of my car and grabbed my suit case! I was running through the airport trying to get to my plane! While I was running run, run, Rudolph was playing in my head! I don't know why that song came in my head, it wasn't even Christmas yet! Luckily I finally got to the Person who I gave my ticket to..................................

Ok guys that's the end of chapter one! Hope at least one person reads this! On the next chapter I will write as Niall. Please if you do read this please leave a comment below that would mean so much to me............The next chapter will probably be up later today! Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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