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"Hello sweetheart. Fancy a stroll?" Taro smirked, extending his hand towards the redhead in front of him. Mari looked up at him, trying to decide what to do. It didn't feel like a good idea to go alone with him, yet something stopped her from running to Budo.
"How...? What are you...? What are you doing here?" She asked, finally being able to form words. There was no way he could've come in after Budo left.
"Don't get your panties in a twist. I just thought you and I should have a small chat, nothing else." Taro told her nonchalantly. That made her feel uncomfortable since she didn't know why he would have to take her out of the room just for a chat. She didn't even know what he wanted to chat about.
"So you decided to sneak into my room at night?" She asked, raising her eyebrow and folding her arms. She knew there was something not quite right about a guy sneaking into a girl's room at night when she's alone.
"It's not like you were changing or anything." He responded casually. She frowned, still concerned. She was about to get changed and go to bed, she'd have been so embarrassed if he'd seen her getting changed.
"If you wanted to talk, why didn't you stick around earlier?" She asked, annoyed. He had plenty of time to speak then, so why didn't he? He sighed quietly.
"What I need to talk to you about is private, it was getting crowded." He explained to her. That made her feel quite uncomfortable, especially since she was being targeted for abduction by Dr Shuyona. She didn't want to go anywhere with anyone she couldn't trust 100%.
"Who are you? Like, really." She asked, putting her hands on her hips. Taro laughed.
"I told you already, my name's Taro Yamada." He laughed, but Mari wasn't amused. Not at all. She didn't trust him still, part of her doubted Taro Yamada was really his name since it was so common and plain.
"I'm just going to be honest here. I know you lied about being friends with anyone in security." She told him bluntly. She wanted to see his reaction and learn the truth. Taro's reaction surprised her slightly. He didn't seem nervous or even a little concerned. He was still calm.
"And yet you still haven't sounded the alarm. Why is that sweetheart?" He asked, smirking like usual. That was a very good question. Why hadn't she sounded the alarm even though he had lied to her? 'For some reason, I still trust him.' She thought to herself, forgetting he could read her thoughts. Taro laughed, getting her attention. "You should listen to those good instincts of yours." He told her. He wanted her to trust him, for what reason she didn't know. Hopefully it wasn't to take her back to Dr Shuyona.
"Only if you stop reading my thoughts." She told him. She didn't like him reading her mind and being so obvious about it. It made her hesitant to read other's minds, not wanting Budo or Dr Casey to feel as uncomfortable as she felt right now since they were the people who's minds she read most.
"It's not my fault you keep broadcasting your thoughts." He responded, folding her arms. She didn't want to broadcast her thoughts to him, but she didn't know what to do to stop broadcasting thoughts. "I've come here to help you. Come with me if you want the answers you've been looking for." He told her, extending his hand to her. She was hesitant to take his hand and go with him.
"Do you think I'm crazy?" She asked, taking a step back. He would have to earn her complete trust before she went anywhere with him. At least here if he tried anything she could scream loud enough to alert Dr Casey or even Budo. Taro shook his head, shrugging his shoulders. He barely knew her in person after all, but he knew about her. 'How can I just go off with him?' She asked herself, looking at him again.
"How can you not just drop everything and come with me?" He asked, smirking. She pouted when she remembered she was probably broadcasting her thoughts again to him.
"Budo's gonna be so mad at me..." she said to herself, playing with her hands awkwardly. She was actually considering going with him. Taro laughed again, taking one small step closer to her.
"He'll have to go through me first, sweetheart." He promised. She rolled her eyes, not caring much for what he had to say. It was pretty easy for him anyway.
"Easy for you to say that you keep disappearing." She said, holding back a small laugh herself. She had to learn how to do that for herself if it was even possible. Taro sighed, getting annoyed with this now.
"Are you coming or are you staying here?" He asked, holding his hand out. Clearly he was frustrated with all of this. If she'd just come with him, he'd be able to tell her everything. What he wanted to say couldn't be told to anyone, and he feared someone would overhear if she stayed here. "I just want us to go outside for some privacy. I promise we won't even leave the property." He explained to her, trying to earn that trust between them. Mari sighed. She knew she had to learn the truth, and this was the only way then so be it.
"Okay fine, but if you try anything I'll hurt you personally." She said to him, hoping she wouldn't have to live up to that. She didn't think she was strong enough to fight him unless she had a moment of super strength against him.
"I'll be on my best behaviour, I promise," Taro told her, leaving his hand extended to her. She checked his other hand to see if his fingers were crossed, which they weren't. She sighed quietly and placed her hand in his, silently agreeing to go with him.

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