♡ Chapter 1: The Literature Club ♡

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It feels like I'm in a dream. I see a dark void, nothingness.. Everything is cold and dead around me. I feel a voice speak directly into my mind.. "I'm doing what I can to help you! It's up to you now!" The voice began, sounding very confident. Though I can't seem to recognize who's saying all of this. "It's time to be a f*cking hero. Both of us... Save them all!"

I wake up in a cold sweat. I feel my skin crawling. I try to shake of the dream, but it was too real. Crap! I'm going to be late for school, I'm pulling a Sayori! I hurry up and get ready for school, eat a quick breakfast and rush to Sayori's house. Surprisingly she's already out there, waiting for me. "Aha! I finally beat you out here!" She giggled looking extremely happy and proud of herself for being on time for once. "What took you so long? You're normal out before me." She pointed out, with a confused expression. She does have the right to be confused though, I'm always awake hours before she is. I wonder what changed that. Without giving me a chance to answer she continues talking, clearly full of energy. "I guess you win my title now for 'champion of being late'" She smirked playfully as she began to walk in the direction of our school. "Are you ready to go?" She asked twirling around.

"Yeah Sayori, sorry about that." I apologized as I quickly began following her. "Arin, you're apologizing to me? Wow. There must be something wrong with you!" Sayori said slightly shocked. She's sorta right though. First I woke up late because of that awful dream and now I'm apologizing? What has gotten into me today? We cross the street together and make our way to school. As we draw near, the streets become increasingly speckled with other students making their daily commute. "What got you out of bed so early today?" I questioned now looking at Sayori. "Well, today is the opening ceremony for seniors this year.. And.. I'm finally getting you to join my club today!" Sayori announced lifting her hands in the air, with the most confident smile I have ever seen in my life. "Hmm.. I don't remember saying that I would join." I point out trying to recall a similar conversation, but failing. "Yes, you did! Don't you remember silly?" She said poker facing, obviously annoyed at how forgetful I can be sometimes.

"Umm.. No. I don't remember at all honestly." I shrug as I continue walking, I didn't really feel like joining any clubs this year. Sayori constantly bugging me about them didn't really make me want to join any either. "Well, I clearly remember hearing you say yes, especially when you heard we were bringing cupcakes." Sayori said rolling her eyes as she walked next to me. I quicker turn to her, "Cupcakes? Did you say Cuuuuuuuupcaaaaaaakess!?" I exclaimed. No wonder I had said yes, cupcakes are the most outstanding pastry on the planet! Cupcakes, my only weakness! That, and cute girls. I clear my throat and adjust my uniform as it became disheveled from the cupcakening.. Sayori giggled over my reaction.

"Well.. If you put it that way.. I'll come visit the club at least! Let me partake in one of your cupcakes, then I will see.." I say with a smirk. "Yay!" Sayori said beaming with happiness. While asking, I think dangerously of cupcakes. I start to get lost in thought, trying to remember something important, but then I eventually do. "But.. There is still the anime club... I can hang out with all the other dudes. I can watch anime, read manga and play games." I say, basically thinking out loud at this point. "No! Don't do that!!!" Sayori complained instantly frowning. I should do the right thing and check it out. I bet she might want me to join her club instead, after all, she's been bugging me since forever. I don't want to leave her hanging.

"What club are you going to check out at school today then?" Sayori asked for what seemed like the hundredth time this day. "Sayori's club of awesomeness." I reply doing finger guns, smiling. "Wait.. Really?!" Her smile quickly returned, obviously overwhelmed with joy. "You know I can't resist your sweet temptations of cupcakery." I say chuckling, realizing I may have a slight cupcake problem. But who doesn't they're so amazing? "F*ck yeah!" Sayori blurted out. "I mean.. Yay-" She said quickly hoping I hadn't heard that, I obviously did though. Even though Sayori didn't seem like it, she was the type of girl that cursed a lot when she was happy, even though she tried not to.

The school day is as ordinary as ever, and it's over before I know it. Took damn long enough. why did they decide to make opening day Sunday this year? Sunday isn't even an official school day! After I pack up my things, I stare at the wall blankly, looking for an ounce of motivation. I'm bored as hell. "Clubs.." I murmur out loud, not even aware that I did. Sayori wants me to check out some clubs, specifically, her club. I start to daydream of cupcakes, anime and other random other things. Mainly cupcakes though. "Hello? Earth to Arin!" I hear a voice call out, which belongs to Sayori. I look up from my desk and stare up at her. "Huh? Sayori?" I quietly mumble. Sayori must have come into the classroom while I spaced out. I look around and realize that I am the only one left in the classroom. "I thought I'd catch you coming out the classroom, but I saw you just sitting there and spacing out, so I came in." She stated, with a small shrug.

"Honestly, you're even worse than me sometimes.. I'm impressed!" Sayori proclaimed. She was sorta correct though. Sayori was a total daydreamer, but compared to me she was just an amateur. "Sorry, I just can't stop thinking about devouring those sweet, sweet cupcakes." I smirk, standing up while holding my backpack. "You didn't need to wait up for me if it's going to make you late to your own club." I pointed out, with a small smile. "Well, I thought you might need some encouragement, so I thought, you know.." Sayori began, blushing slightly. "Know what?" I asked slightly confused. "Well, that you could come to my club!" Sayori smile, the tone of her voice changed almost every second which was confusing. "Sayori.." I looked at her. "Yeah?" She replied with a giant goofy smile.

"There is no way I'm going to your club." I say suddenly realizing something other than cupcakes. "Ehhh, you meanie!" Sayori pokerfaced lowering her head slightly as she put her two fingers together to make some sort of triangle. For some reason it reminded me of a tiny roof for a tiny house. Anyway, I remember now! Sayori is the Vice Presidents of the Literature Club. Not that I was ever aware that she had any interest in literature. In fact, I'm 100% sure she only did it because she thought it would be fun to help start a new club. Since she was the first one to show interest after the one who propose the club, she inherited the title, 'Vice President'. That said, my interest in literature is guaranteed to be even less. But I guess I have to give it a try for Sayori. And the cupcakes.

"I'm just kidding! After all, I promised you I would come to partake in the cupcakes." I said grinning. "Yes! Let's go~!" Sayori jumped up as she grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the club room. I can almost taste those sweet, sweet cupcakes. And thus, marks the day I sold my soul for cupcakes, but it's worth it! Wait. I've said this before, right? I delightedly followed Sayori across the school and upstairs-- a section of the school I rarely visit, being generally used for third-year classes and activities. Sayori, full of energy, swings open the classroom doors, nearly ripping the doors from their hinges. Damn, this girl is crazy strong! I gotta remember not to get on her bad side.

"Fresh meat is here bitches!! Uhh.. I mean, we got a new member to join our literature club! Ehehe." Sayori hollered, giggling and waving her hand in the air, capturing the attention of everyone in the room. Like I said before, cupcakes. Totally worth it. 

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