2 - logical comfort

63 3 1

analogical - logiety - l.a.m.p

triggers: panic attacks


Logan strode through the mindscape, his hand clasped around a rather large hard-back book.

It was early morning, so he knew the lender of the book would be awake, Virgil tended to take "scheduled" naps throughout the day. He stressed that leaving Thomas to sleep for eight hours solid, without him would further induce nightmares. But he refused the other three's offers to take turns on night duty.

Nevertheless, that's where Logan was going, walking up the stairs, counting each step in a rhythm as he often liked to do.

He'd just finished the novel and was in quite a good mood, kissing Patton on the cheek as he headed up to Virgil's room. The other side let out a giggle as he headed down the stairs to get started on breakfast.

Other than on the stairs, Virgil resided in the "attic" of the mindscape. Which none of the other sides had any complaints to. Roman had the master bedroom because he called dibs (though Logan couldn't really get a grasp on how that was fair), Patton chose the room opposite that because he thought the view out the window would be nice to look at, and Logan chose the basement, because then he could recite facts and figures out loud without disturbing is partners.

That left Virgil with the attic, and he was quite happy with that, knowing he could always look at the "stars" if he ever got overwhelmed at night, whilst making sure Thomas was safe in the mean time.

Their rooms were only their defined area, for when they wanted to be alone. Any other time the owner of the space didn't matter because it wasn't a rare occurrence to find two traits occupying the one room.

Often times Patton or himself would join Virgil when he was napping, not to sleep but to make sure the anxious trait wouldn't have any nightmares himself.

There was the occasions that Virgil and Roman would pass out together after a trialling day of disagreeing over Thomas' safety.

Or when Patton didn't want to be alone so he'd lie across Logan's legs while he was reading.

But this was one of the rare mornings where they'd slept in their own rooms individually.

He gave the latch door of the attic a soft rap, before pushing it up and stepping up into the room.

"Virgil I came to give you the book-" Virgil was curled up, shaking, with his back facing the wall. "You loaned me..." The logical side finished his sentence, placing the book on Virgil's bookshelf, before walking over to the side, crouching down to his level.

The anxious trait had his headphones on, the big bulky ones that he'd gotten years ago, so he didn't hear Logan come in. His head was buried in his knees and his face was covered by the hood of Patton's cat sweater, so he didn't see him come in either.

From what he could hear, Virgil was listening to that fast paced, loud, rock music he enjoyed. But however much he enjoyed it he was well aware that it was doing him more harm than good in a situation like this.

Why was he doing this to himself?

Logan didn't want to startle him, so he simply placed a hand on the shaking man's knee, adjusting himself so he was sitting in front of Virgil now. The latter glanced up a little, immediately surprised he and almost seemed mortified that Logan had caught him, and simply put his head back down, shaking even more, quiet sobs escaping his lips.

Logan's heart dropped to the floor as he noticed the smudged eyeshadow around the other side's eyes, for the split second his head was up. He'd been crying.

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