Chapter Ten

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November 30th.

Crimson strands of hair flew above me, billowing in the wind. I find it kind of amazing how even though I'm falling at a rate of at least fifteen feet a second, there's no Spider-Man yet. Even with the gasping and screaming crowd pointing to me and my flailing limbs, he hasn't shown his face. Maybe I should have leapt from the Empire State, rather than Oscorp. With only 20 stories left, I shot out both my arms, pale skin shining, and pressed my fingers to my palms. The webbing shot out, latching onto the two buildings that were separated by a road. 

The knuckles on my hands seemed to turn transparent, grasping the webs, and yanking myself forward and flying up into the air. As I let go, my legs kicked over my head, and I did a flip in the air before shooting a web out to the corner of a large building, flinging myself to the right, and heading down another street. It ended up being my over-clothes were getting on my nerves. So, I caught sight of Gwen's apartment building, and started to make my way over. 

Let me explain this whole situation. It's been about six weeks since the incident with the lizard. I went to her dad's funeral, and ended up being pulled by her to the open seat beside her. Gwen ended up crying on my shoulder when they lowered the coffin to the ground, and I comfortingly hugged her while trying to keep us both dry from the rain. We exchanged numbers, and I told her to call me at any time, for some reason. Maybe it was because I knew what she was going through, or, rather, I knew the feeling. After that, we just kept talking. Eventually, she invited me over to her house for dinner, and that was when she confronted me about the whole power situation. 

"So... About that day..." The blonde had blurted out, sitting criss-crossed on her bed and pushing a headband into her hair. I looked up from my place on the ground, awkwardly twiddling my thumbs. 

"Um.. Yeah.. I was waiting for that to come out." I'd then replied. To this day, a month later, I still have no idea what crossed my mind when she had brought it up. Probably, with the increasingly amount of time I'd been spending trying to take pictures at night of thugs, a curse word too ugly for print. "You know, I kind of need you to keep that a secret."

Gwen rolled her eyes, tossing a pillow at me. "I wasn't going to tell anyone, Scarlett. You should know that." I remember sighing with relief, then, clutching the pillow to my chest. "What you need to tell me, though, is what you're going to do about it? Are you going to do something illogical like that Spider-Man? Run after danger? Get yourself killed?" It was then my smirk revealed itself, and she sighed. 

"I'm not going to get myself killed, but yes. Pretty much exactly that. It'll be fine, though. I've got more powers than Webby, anyways." I paused, and had ended up making a point by choosing to flash my eyes to a vibrant golden color, then returning to the normal color they possessed. "There's the whole shape shifting thing, and then I could tell that his webs come from little devices on his wrist. Mine are natural, and honestly seem more reliable. Then there's the factor of being able to change my voice to fit any that I've heard." Finding out I could mimic voices had been another adventure entirely. See, Peter and I had been in a small argument, and I was trying to be a smartass. Naturally, I ended up freaking out, and refused to talk for the rest of the day.

"What about the matter of your identity? What's going to be covered?" We'd then gotten into a long discussion about how the whole thing wasn't too showy, and she had this big problem about me not trying to be cocky around Spider-Man. I'd told her she didn't have to worry, and she just rolled her eyes. "I know you better than that." She had said, "I also know you'd blow your identity without thinking. Do you have your suit?" I shook my head then, pointing to my bag. 

"Nah." I replied. "The fabric's in there. Figured I was going to find some way to access superhero central, or, Stark Tower, and find someone to make it for me. Granted, I'd get out of there as soon as it was done, and check it for tracking devices so that they couldn't track me down. God knows I couldn't be part of the whole team thing." She laughed, then reached to the bag, unzipping it while I talked. When she had pulled out the fabric, the design I'd figured out fell as well, and she examined it closely. "I figured the whole red and blue thing was taken, so I'd go a bit more simple..." 

Spider Brats (Previously "When In New York") TASMWhere stories live. Discover now